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Subject: Groups - Use Case Conf Call modified

Use Case Conf Call has been modified by John Evdemon (jevdemon@microsoft.com).

Date:  Thursday, 12 February 2004
Time:  04:00pm - 05:00pm Eastern Time

Event Description:
Rescheduled conference call, normally held on alternate Mondays at 4 PM ET. Starting 2/24, future Use Case calls wil be held on alternate Tuesdays 4 PM ET.  The call-in number and passcode (below) will remain the same.  

To participate in the conference call:
Toll-Free (US & Canada): 866-500-6738
Toll: 203-480-8000
Participant Passcode: 600345

Please contact John Evdemon (jevdemon@microsoft.com) if you have any questions regarding the revised schedule for the WSBPEL Use Case conference calls.

Since we haven't had a conf call in a while I would like to spend the first half of this meeting resetting our scope.  Given people's time and availability the goals of the group must be redefined.

Dicussion points (please fwd additional suggestions to the mailing list):

- Redefine scope, associated deliverables.  Call for volunteers.

- Review of recently completed work.

- Review of work in progress.
  - Business Blueprinting?
  - EAI?
  - RosettaNet?
  - Use Cases related to the Issues list?
  - Others?

- Tools
  - Review of recent vendor contributions
  - I have completed a couple of hacks to assist us in producing the WSDL and abstract BPEL samples for the use cases.

- Call for volunteers/additional use cases.

New business.

Meeting adjourns at 5 PM ET.

Review minutes from last conf call:

View event details:

PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web

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