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Subject: RE: [wsbpel] Issue - 90 - Assignment of external data into a variable

Point taken; this is true for all but relative URI references, in which case I would treat it as part of the BPEL deployment package that would contain the .bpel, .wsdl and .xsd (if any) resources. My concern with modeling it as a service is that it will not be clear that the purpose of the call is to simply fetch static data.




From: Ron Ten-Hove [mailto:Ronald.Ten-Hove@Sun.COM]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 12:50 PM
To: wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 90 - Assignment of external data into a variable


    I worry about the use of direct references to files from within a BPEL process for several minor reasons, but one primary one: portability. The file cannot reasonably be at the same URI for every BPEL installation. Ugo's suggestion of modelling the file resource as a service is far more portable, since it wraps the inherently non-portable resource in a separate service that at the abstract level (that is, the BPEL view of services) is always the same.


ws-bpel issues list editor wrote:

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Issue - 90 - Assignment of external data into a variable

Status: open
Date added: 9 Jan 2004
Submitter: Kristofer Agren
Date submitted: 09 January 2004
Document: BPEL specification
Description: The current assignment model allows for assigning literal data entered in directly under the <from> element. In practice, it may be desirable to have an external file/location where the data is maintained, which will allow for reuse if the same set of data is to be utilized in different business processes. The external file must be a valid XML document.
Submitter's proposal: I propose that this is solved by adding another form of the <form> element that can accept an external location uri and an optional query string:

               <from location="uri" query="queryString"?/>

Changes: 9 Jan 2004 - new issue

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