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Subject: Issue - 115 - Revise content of Appendix C

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Issue - 115 - Revise content of Appendix C

Status: open
Categories: Compensation, State management
Date added: 1 Apr 2004
Submitter: Satish Thatte
Date submitted: 01 April 2004
Description: As a part of the recommended resolution of issues issue 30 : Support for coordination protocol , issue 53 : Include Business Transaction Management (BTM) constructs ,54-59, the F2F meeting recommended removing the current Appendix C which appears to take a hard dependency on the WS-Coordination and WS-Transaction specifications. It would be desirable to preserve the content in so far as it provides a succinct model for the semantics of inter scope coordination in BPEL without the dependency on external specifications.
Submitter's proposal: Rewrite appendix C to preserve the relevant content without external dependencies.

Changes: 1 Apr 2004 - new issue

To comment on this issue, please follow-up to this announcement on the wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org list (replying to this message should automatically send your message to that list), or ensure the subject line as you send it starts "Issue - 115 - [anything]" or is a reply to such a message.

To add a new issue, see the issues procedures document (but the address for new issue submission is the sender of this announcement).

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