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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue 103 - draft proposal

I long ago accepted that I'm not smarter than your average bear so 
perhaps I'm the only one who finds it impossible to read the proposal 
because of all the interlocking options. When I got to the point where I 
felt the need to draw a graph to try and understand the relationship 
between the various options I knew it was time to stop.

May I humbly request that you repost your proposal without any options 
what so ever? Just specify how you think this should all work and leave 
out the choices. If you want to have a separate section at the end that 
explores different options and why you didn't pursue them that would be 
great but it isn't necessary.

Since you are doing the work you get to suggest how things should work. 
If people don't like what you propose then let them suggest options and 
do the work to flesh those options out. But having a document that seems 
to be arguing with itself is just too confusing for me.

I think there are really important and very cool ideas in the proposal 
but the proposal itself needs to be simplified in order to let me, at 
least, get to them.



Alex Yiu wrote:

> Hi all,
> As promised in the conf call last week, here is the draft proposal for
> Issue 103.
> Please note that is a draft version of the proposal, NOT the final
> version that will be used for voting yet. Especially, there are some
> options listed in the proposal for item (1B) and (2C) and (3B) (with
> some preferences expressed).
> Please voice your opinions so that we know that we are solving Issue 103
> in a right way.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Alex Yiu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Issue 103 Proposed Resolution
> Subject: Standardizing $varName syntax for XPath to refer to a BPEL 
> variable
> Draft Version #4
>     [V4: Kevin Liu has kindly reviewed WSDL part of the proposal. 
> Factoring in some feedback from Kevin into V4.]
> May 02, 2004  - 1am PDT
>     Goals:
> To simplify the XPath syntax to access BPEL variable, including both 
> simple type, schema element of complex type, and WSDL Message type.
> Its advantages:
>     * simpler, less typing
>     * easier and better static analysis analysis in XPath: a variable
>       reference can have a more specific type, instead of a generic
>       getVariableData() which essentially returns xsd:any.
>     * E.g.: one can apply XPath directly to a variable. E.g.:
>       "$var/some/xpath/here"
>     * providing the XML-Schema Element emulation for WSDL 1.1 message type
>           o This emulation can make WSDL 1.1 message available to any
>             XML programming facilities and infrastructures which are not
>             WSDL 1.1 aware
>           o This can potentially help migration of BPEL programs from
>             WSDL 1.1 to WSDL 2.0 (e.g. a straight forward global
>             search-and-replace may do). However, a completely effortless
>             migration is a NON-GOAL, since WSDL 2.0 specification is
>             still in progress and its related WS-I activities have not
>             been bootstrapped yet and there are multiple paths to
>             migrate a WSDL 1.1 to WSDL 2.0.
> This proposed resolution consists of:
> (1) Adding $var syntax and simplifying from-spec and to-spec
> (2) Representing WSDL Message Types as if XML-Schema Element
> (3) Removing bpws:getVariableData() and etc
> (4) Terminology change in variable declaration
>       (1) Adding $var syntax and simplifying from-spec and to-spec
> The additional $var syntax already got standardized in XPath 1.0 (also 
> in XPath 2.0 and XQuery spec) for a while. Its semantics and syntax are 
> very stable and clear to existing XPath users and future XQuery users.
> The value of a BPEL variable, which appears as Variable-Reference in 
> XPath 1.0, corresponds to a node-set of exactly one XML node in XPath 
> 1.0 semantics. The XML node corresponds to the element node (not 
> document node) of related BPEL variable, when the variable is declared 
> with  "element"  attribute or  "messageElement" attribute. 
> ["messageElement" is an attribute introduced in in part (4) below.]
> References:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#NT-FunctionCall
> http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#NT-VariableReference
> After introducing $var syntax [provided that we can represent WSDL 
> Message as XML Schema Element;  please see in (2) below], we can 
> simplify assign by eliminating some variation of from-spec and to-spec.
> Current from-specs:
> <from variable="ncname" part="ncname"?/>
> <from partnerLink="ncname" endpointReference="myRole|partnerRole"/>
> <from variable="ncname" property="qname"/>
> <from expression="general-expr"/>
> <from> ... literal value ... </from>
> Current to-specs:
> <to variable="ncname" part="ncname"?/>
> <to partnerLink="ncname"/>
> <to variable="ncname" property="qname"/>
> (1A)
> <from variable="ncname" part="ncname"? />
>     will be eliminated and merged into:
>          <from>
>         <expression>general-expr</expression>
>      </from>
>           [Here we use the post-Issue-13 syntax.]
> (1B) About from-spec: <from variable="ncname" property="qname"/>
> (1B)(option-I) from-spec: <from variable="ncname" property="qname"/> 
> remains unchanged, if we go for (3B)(I) below.
> (1B)(option-II) from-spec: <from variable="ncname" property="qname"/> 
> will be merged into expression variant of from-spec also, if we go for 
> (3B)(II) below
> For example:
>     [EX-1]
>     <from variable="myVar" />
>         => <from> <expression>$myVar</expression </from>
>     [EX-2]
>     <from variable="myWSDLMsg" part="part1" /> 
>         => <from> <expression>$myWSDLMsg/part1</expression> </from>
>                 [For details, please see (2) below on how to deal with 
> WSDL message]
> For executable BPEL,
>     [EX-3]
>     <from variable="myVar" query="/some:elem/some:more_xpath" />
>         => <from> <expression>$myVar/some:more_xpath</expression> </from>
> [*** NOTE: the "some:elem" NameTest part of XPath is dropped, because 
> $myVar is now pointing to an element, instead of a document. The XPath 
> is now relative to the element, instead of the document. ***]
>     [EX-4]
>     <from variable="myWSDLMsg" part="part1" query="/some_query_path" />
>         =>
>         <from>
>             <expression>$myWSDLMsg/part1/some_query_path</expression>   
>         </from>
> For abstract BPEL, <from opaque="true" /> will remain the same.
> (1C)
> to-spec: <to variable="ncname" part="ncname"? /> : the part attributed 
> will be dropped:
> For core part of BPEL spec:
> <to variable="ncname" />
> For executable part of BPEL spec:
> <to variable="ncname">
>     <query>some_query_path</query>
> </to>
> [Again, using post-issue-13 syntax here]
> [EX-5]
> <to variable="myWSDLVar" part="part01" />
> will becomes:
> <to variable="myWSDLVar">
>     <query>/part01</query>
> </to>
> [*** NOTE: the root element NameTest part of XPath will be also dropped 
> in the xpath used in the to-spec, compared with the situation before 
> passing this proposal. ***]
> The part semantics is moved into and encapsulated in the query path 
> (e.g. XPath).
> [For details, please see (2) below on how to deal with WSDL message]
> (1D)
> to-spec: <to variable="ncname" property="qname" /> can be merged into 
> query version of to-spec similar to (1C) above, if we go for (3B)(II) 
> below. If we don't go for (3B)(II), it will be kept unchanged.
> (1E)
> That implies that we would still have two sub-language used in BPEL: one 
> is query language; one is expression language.  [For example, expression 
> language may be XQuery, while query may be XPath.]
>       (2) Representing WSDL Message Types into XML-Schema Element
> Currently, WSDL-1.1-message based variables are available to XML-based 
> languages (e.g. XPath, XSLT, XQuery and etc) through 
> bpws:getVariableData(). However, this function approach make the static 
> type and path analysis very difficult and anti-intuitive, because all 
> different types of variables are available through the same function.
> Here, we suggest to use $var syntax to represent variables in XPath and 
> etc. In order to achieve that, we need to apply a logical mapping to 
> WSDL 1.1 message types to emulate XML Schema Elements. Given a WSDL 1.1 
> message type, there will be a XML Schema Element definition mapped out.
> The definition serves as a logical structure for XML-based language 
> (e.g. XPath) to access different parts of WSDL 1.1 message. The physical 
> message format can vary a lot depending on the related bindings, styles, 
> deployment options, and platforms of the web services. [Factored-in 
> points from KL here] Please note that the name used in wsdl:message is 
> really like a place holder, its name never appear in the wired message. 
> So the logical message is only for the purpose of accessibility via 
> XPath, and actually it will never match the wired message format.
> The mapping will be done by BPEL engine (static analysis and runtime) 
> automatically.  The mapping and XPath usage for existing BPEL users is 
> actually very very obvious. Before going into details of mappings, here 
> are some more examples of from-spec and to-spec:  (additional to [EX-2] 
> and [EX-4] above)
> <from variable="myMsg" part="part01" query="/some_x_path" />
> is changed into:
> <from expression="$myMsg/part01/some_x_path" />
> <to variable="myMsg" part="part01" query="/some_x_path" />
> is changed into:
> <to variable="myMsg" query=/part01/some_x_path" />
> The mapping from typical users point of view is very straight forward. 
> The description of mapping is quite detailed, because we want to be 
> clear in the spec to minimize any ambiguity. (The situation is just 
> similar XMLNS or XPath itself. The XPath or XMLNS usage is easy, while 
> the specs for XPath or XMLNS are still quite lengthy.)
> Please note: the current spec is quite silent on how the "/some_x_path" 
> should look like regarding to differences between wsdl:part@type and 
> wsdl:part@element. After passing Issue 103, what the "/some_x_path" 
> should look like will be much more clear.
> For the following WSDL-1.1-message to XML-Schema  mapping, we have 
> already considered parts of WSDL 2.0 specification. For example, a WSDL 
> 2.0 must be an XML Schema element. The mapping pattern and usage of 
> XPath in proposal will help people migrate their BPEL from WSDL 1.1 to 
> WSDL 2.0 in future. It will minimize the impact to BPEL program, 
> especially if they are using WSDL 1.1 with message parts.
> Rules to do the mapping WSDL 1.1 type to XML Schema Element:
> (The XSLT stylesheet fragments are intended for ILLUSTRATION ONLY on how 
> to map a WSDL 1.1 message type to an XML Schema Element in the usage 
> context of BPEL4WS 1.1. They are NEVER intended to be any normative part 
> of the BPEL4WS spec or other specifications or a part of programming 
> components.
> Reference:
> WSDL 1.1 XML Schema: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/2003-02-11.xsd  
> [Factored-in points from KL here] Using WS-I schema is in line with our 
> decision to be WS-I BP compatible. We shall need to check back later, as 
> WS-I BP may change further the schema to allow extension everywhere. )
> (2A) A "wsdl:message" element is mapped to "xsd:element" element which 
> shares the same "name" attribute value. The "xsd:element" is defined 
> based on an anonymous complex type of which contains a sequence. The 
> content of sequence will be mapped from "wsdl:part" to a series of 
> "xsd:element" based on the rules (2B) and (2C) below.
>     <xsl:template match="wsdl:message">
>         <xsd:element name="{@name}" >
>             <xsd:complexType>
>                 <xsd:sequence>
>                     <xsl:apply-templates/>
>                 </xsd:sequence>
>             </xsd:complexType>
>         </xsd:element>
>     </xsl:template>
> (2B) A "wsdl:part" element which has an "type" attribute is mapped to 
> "xsd:element", which shares the same "name" and "type" attribute values. 
> The "xsd:element" has both minOccurs and maxOccus set to 1.
>     <xsl:template match="wsdl:part[@type]">
>         <xsd:element name="{@name}" type="{@type}" minOccurs="1"
>             maxOccurs="1" />
>     </xsl:template>
> (2C) There are two versions of mapping for a "wsdl:part" element which 
> has an "element" attribute.
> (2C)(option-I) A "wsdl:part" element which has an "element" attribute is 
> mapped to an "xsd:element" which has a "ref" attribute referring to the 
> element in "wsdl:part". The "xsd:element" has minOccurs=1 and 
> maxOccurs="1".
>     <xsl:template match="wsdl:part[@element]">
>         <xsd:element ref="{@element}" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
>     </xsl:template>
> (2C)(option-II) A "wsdl:part" element which has an "element" attribute 
> is mapped to an "xsd:element" which share the same "name" attribute 
> value with "wsdl:part". The "xsd:element" is based on an anonymous 
> complex type, which has a sequence of one "xsd:element. The 
> "xsd:element" has a "ref" attribute referring to the element in 
> "wsdl:part" and has minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs="1".
>     <xsl:template match="wsdl:part[@element]">
>         <xsd:element name="{@name}">
>             <xsd:complexType>
>                 <xsd:sequence>
>                     <xsd:element ref="{@element}" minOccurs="1"
>                         maxOccurs="1" />
>                 </xsd:sequence>
>             </xsd:complexType>
>         </xsd:element>
>     </xsl:template>
> [Preference is given to (2C)(option-II). Because we have more intuitive 
> and more versatile XPath usage to access a message part.]
> Using (2A), (2B) and (2C)(II) rules above and changes in (4) below, the 
> XPath to access parts in WSDL 1.1 Message Element would be:
> [*** NOTE:  For a variable declared similar to the following:
> <variable name="myVar" messageElement="myWSDL:POMsgType" />
> The XPath for a part (no matter it is declared with type or element 
> attribute) would be: "$myVar/partName"
> The QNAME of "myWSDL:POMsgType" does not present in the XPath, because 
> the variable is refering to the element node, instead of document node. ***]
> [EX-6]
> For example, for the following WSDL 1.1 message definition:
> <message name="GetLastTradePriceInput">
>         <part name="body" element="foo:TradePriceRequest"/>
> </message>
> will be mapped to the following XML Schema Element:
> <xsd:element xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; 
>     name="GetLastTradePriceInput">
>     <xsd:complexType>
>         <xsd:sequence>
>             <xsd:element name="body">
>                 <xsd:complexType>
>                     <xsd:sequence>
>                         <xsd:element ref="foo:TradePriceRequest" 
> minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
>                     </xsd:sequence>
>                 </xsd:complexType>
>             </xsd:element>
>         </xsd:sequence>
>     </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:element>
>       (3) Removing some bpws:getVariableData() and etc
> (3A) About bpws:getVariableData():
> After adding $var syntax and providing XML-Schema-Element emulation over 
> WSDL message variables, we do not need bpws:getVariableData() function 
> any more.
> (3B) About bpws:getVariableProperty()
> We prefer (3B)(I) over (3B)(II), because we may not want to introduce 
> targetNamespace concept for message properties for this cycle of BPEL 
> spec. 
> (3B)(option-I) We suggest to keep 
> bpws:getVariableProperty('variable_name','property_name') unchanged.
> (3B)(option-II) Alternatively, we can add virtual elements for 
> applicable properties to a WSDL message,  provided that we associate a 
> formal concept of "targetNamespace" to properties definition. (As of 
> now, we don't have properties definition is NOT associated with a 
> targetNamespace.)
> After associating targetNamespace, we can have the following syntax:
> $variable_name/tns:property_name
> (3C) About bpws:getLinkStatus('a_LinkName')
> In "Section 9.1 Expression", the specification said, "This function MUST 
> NOT be used anywhere except in a join condition."
> In "Section 12.5.1 Link Semantics", the specification said, "The 
> expression for a join condition for an activity MUST be constructed 
> using /only/ Boolean operators and the |bpws:getLinkStatus| function 
> (see *9.1. Expressions* 
> <http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-bpel/#expressions>) 
> applied to incoming links at the activity."
> With the current semantics of section 12.5.1 and section 9.1, we could 
> potentially replace bpws:getLinkStatus('a_LinkName') by boolean link 
> variables:
> bpws:getLinkStatus('a_LinkName')
>     => $a_LinkName
> However, as we cannot be sure that restrictions in section 12.5.1 and 
> 9.1 hold true in future, then we suggest to keep 
> bpws:getLinkStatus(...). Because this is just a pure syntax shortcut 
> without much semantic advantages.
>       (4) Terminology change in variable declaration
> Currently, there are 3 attributes related to type declaration in 
> <variable> element: "messageType", "type" and "element".
> We suggest to have a minor change: from "messageType" to 
> "messageElement". The new attribute match better with semantics of 
> emulating / representing WSDL 1.1 message type as XML Schema Element.
>       END

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