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Subject: Issue - 147 - Serial and Parallel For-Each

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Issue - 147 - Serial and Parallel For-Each

Status: open
Categories: Syntax and validation
Date added: 16 Jul 2004
Submitter: Yaron Y. Goland
Date submitted: 15 June 2004
Description: For-each is a very common control structure that has special appropriateness to BPEL where one can routinely expect BPELs to need to iterate through XML structures. One can easily imagine two flavors of for-each. Serial and parallel. Note: These same ideas have been proposed in issue 63 and issue 4 but both of those issues could be resolved in ways that do not necessarily use the for-each construct. Therefore I am proposing for-each on its own. If 63 and 4 are closed by introducing serial and parallel for-each then this issue can also be closed.
Submitter's proposal:
<foreach iteratorVariableName="ncname" iteratorVariableType="qname"\
           parallel="xs:Boolean" standard-attributes>
     <expression expressionLanguage="anyURI">...</query>
The expression element would be responsible for returning a node-set with 0 or more nodes in it. Each node MUST be of the type specified by iteratorVariableType.

If parallel equals false then each node would be assigned, serially and in document order, to the variable created in an implicit local scope by the attribute iteratorVariableName and the activity would be executed. After the activity successfully completes the variable would be assigned to the next node and the activity run again.

If parallel equals true then a series of parallel scopes, with the same operational semantics as parallel executing event handlers, equal in number to the number of nodes in the node-set would be created and each node would be assigned to a variable local to each of the scopes.

Note that the scope in which the iterator variable is defined is local to the foreach activity and does not contain either an implicit fault or compensation handler. The lack of these handlers is very similar to the logic that was discuss at the 6/2004 F2F for issue 126.

For example:

foreach iteratorVariableName="anOrder" iteratorVariableType="b:ar"/

Would be equivalent to:

       variable name="anOrder" type="b:ar"
       variable name="currentInstanceNum" type="xs:int"
             from expressionLanguage="static"
             to expressionLanguage="xpath"
          condition expressionLanguage="xpath"
             $currentInstanceNum <= count($orderList/somePart/ordermanifest/orders)
                   from expressionLanguage="xpath"
                   to expressionLanguage="xpath"
                  from expressionLanguage="xpath"
                  to expressionLanguage="xpath"

Links: Yaron Y. Goland, 25 Mar 2004 Yaron Y. Goland, 25 Mar 2004
Changes: 16 Jul 2004 - new issue

To comment on this issue, please follow-up to this announcement on the wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org list (replying to this message should automatically send your message to that list), or ensure the subject line as you send it starts "Issue - 147 - [anything]" or is a reply to such a message. If you want to formally propose a resolution, please start the subject line "Issue - 147 - Proposed resolution", without any Re: or similar.

To add a new issue, see the issues procedures document (but the address for new issue submission is the sender of this announcement).

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