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Subject: Agenda for Sept 29 TC call

The next call of the WS BPEL TC will be on Wed. Sept. 29 at 8 am Pacific.   Dial in info is: USA Toll Free Number: 888-711-4576 USA Toll Number: +1-484-630-9377,  LEADER:  DIANE JORDAN PASSCODE: WS BPEL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE.   The passcode and the leader's name will be required to join the call.  
Here is the proposed agenda:
- Nomination/volunteers to take minutes for this call.  

- Roll call/determine quorum
- Review/accept minutes from Sept 15 call
- Review agenda

- Liaison subgroup report  
- Use case subgroup report
- Requirements and Issues Coordination subgroup report  
- Specification Editing subgroup report    

- Implementation subgroup report
- Issue discussion

Review of potential new issues received 7 or more days prior to the call:  (164 and 165 were received less than 7 days - I suggest we try to review them anyway).    If there is no objection to treating these as bug fixes, they will be opened, otherwise votes will be held on whether they are bugs and if not, whether to open them at the next meeting.    
Vote on opening 161 (first on whether its a bug and if not, then on whether to open it)
Discuss issues with outstanding proposals to vote    
 -> issues  107, 91, 97 99: vote deferred.   Will ask for an update on the abstract work.
-> issue 126:  deferred pending 107

-> issue 2:  vote deferred.  Will ask Ivana for an update.
-> issue 123
-> issue 135
-> issue 6: if update from Satish available
-> issue 9: if update from Yaron available
-> issue 81
-> issue 87
-> issue 103
-> issue 110

Note: issue 152:  web ballot to be posted when options provided to me
- New business

update on next f2f plans

Regards, Diane
IBM  Dynamic e-business Technologies
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123

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