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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 166 - Does atomicity in assign imply variable locking?
+1 .. there is nothing in the definition of ACID transactions that tells you how to implement them... Cheers, dieter Dieter Roller IBM Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) IBM Academy of Technology Emeritus Phone : +49-7031-164476 Fax : +49-7031-164890 e-mail rol@de.ibm.com <andrew.francis@m ail.mcgill.ca> To 09/29/2004 09:12 <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org> PM cc <peter.furniss@choreology.com> Subject Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 166 - Does atomicity in assign imply variable locking? Hello: > Description: Section 14.3 of the spec requires that >assigns be atomic. But it isn't clear if the definition >of the term atomic encompases placing a read and write >lock on the manipulated variables during the execution >of the assign. For example (stolen from Danny): Atomicity requires that either all of the assign, or none of the assign succeeded. Why does the specification have to state whether a read/write lock is used to guarantee atomicity? This sounds like an implemenation detail to me. I think Section 14.3 is on the right track and nothing is wrong with it. > Making programmers figure out how to deal with >atomic non-locking behavior (and no, that isn't necessarily > a contradiction), seems perverse. I beg to differ. The atomicity makes reasoning about the code simpler. Also a guarantee of atomicity results in correct behaviour. >The easy solution would appear to be to declare that >assigns >always execute in an implicit serialzable scope This does not address the fundamental issue: atomic assignment. Even if one's scope is serialised, a throwcan leave one's assigment in an unstable state. Imagine an implementation where a variable assign that under the hood, involves a few operations on a DOM and for whatever reason (i.e., the thread doing the operations is killed) does not get to complete. Cheers, Andrew To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/members/leave_workgroup.php .
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