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Subject: Re: AW: [wsbpel] Issue 136 - Proposal For Vote
Hi, I don't like <switch> very much, because its semantics is different from C/C++/Java switch in that: * the case conditions are not constants in BPEL * cases won't "fall-through" in BPEL I think <switch> is semantically much closer to if-elseif-else. Accordingly, I would like to counter-propose the following. ----BEGIN---- 1. Rename "switch" to "branch". 2. Rename the first "case" to "if" and second and later to "elseif". 3. Rename "otherwise" to "else". Then we have the following: <branch standard-attributes> standard-elements <if> <condition expressionLanguage="anyURI"?>expr</condition> activity </if> <elseif>* <condition expressionLanguage="anyURI"?>expr</condition> activity </elseif> <else>? activity </else> </branch> Pros: <> Should look familiar to arguably wider audience. <> Smallest impact on existing implementation. Just renaming should do. Cons: <> The root element <branch> is somewhat ugly, especially when neither <elseif> nor <else> is written. (Can be mitigated by better word choice. Do you have any idea?) ----END---- Yuzo NEC Corporation andrew.francis@mail.mcgill.ca wrote: > Hello: > > >>On one hand we have users of languages like Visual Basic, >>Perl, Python and JavaScript which all support the >>equivalent of static switch and if-then-elseif-else ala >>Issue 136. > > > Python does not have a switch statement. > > I feel there are far stronger reasons for a Perl, or > Python programmer to not consider using WS-BPEL than > WS-BPEL's lack of a static switch statement. > > >>On the other hand we have early BPEL adopters who >>knowingly adopted a brand new language that was under >>active standards development? > > > I find the naming of "switch" inappropriate. However > the "switch" that is really a "if-then-else" works. > I suspect it will cost the existing user base money > to make what is essentially a cosmetic change. Often > language features have to be changed or deprecated. And > I think that most user bases can appreciate language > changes that were well thought out and provide value. > However I think it is a poor policy to expect early > adopters to have "caveat emptor" attitude towards > one's language. > > Cheers, > Andrew > > > > > To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/members/leave_workgroup.php. > > >
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