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Subject: RE: [wsbpel] Issue - 268 - Proposal to vote
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The issues list is posted as a Technical Committee document to the OASIS WSBPEL TC pages on a regular basis. The current edition, as a TC document, is the most recent version of the document entitled in the "Issues" folder of the WSBPEL TC document list - the next posting as a TC document will include this issue. The list editor's working copy, which will normally include an issue when it is announced, is available at this constant URL.
<copy> <from> <literal xmlns:foo="http://example.com"> <foo:one/> <foo:two/> <foo:three/> </literal> </from> ... </copy>The issue is that this <literal> will always generate a bpel:selectionFailure when used since it results in multiple EII's (see Section 8.4.1 3rd paragraph)
I discussed this with Danny and Alex briefly during the Stuttgart face to
face and the only scenario offered was that an extensibleAssign or some other
extension activity would be able to handle the multiple children without an
exception. Even with this scenario, I don't see why we should provide support
for multiple children when it cannot be used by the core language. If an
extensibleAssign wants to provide this behavior then perhaps it could also
provide its own version of a <literal>.
Submitter's proposal: I
propose that we drop support for multiple child elements within a literal due to
this issue. The value of the literal should be restricted to a single EII or a
single TII or empty. I also propose adding a statement that this MUST be caught
during static analysis.
Changes: 21 Apr 2006 - new issue
To comment on this issue (including whether it should be accepted), please follow-up to this announcement on the wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org list (replying to this message should automatically send your message to that list), or ensure the subject line as you send it starts "Issue - 268 - [anything]" or is a reply to such a message. If you want to formally propose a resolution to an open issue, please start the subject line "Issue - 268 - Proposed resolution", without any Re: or similar.
To add a new issue, see the issues procedures document (but the address for new issue submission is the sender of this announcement).
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