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Subject: Issue 82.1 resolution text

When issue 82.1 was applied to the spec, a question was raised on elaborating the template:createInstance attribute, and some additional text was added beyond that of the original resolution toward that end.


Alex, Rania and I have developed text which we feel better captures describing the template:createInstance attribute, while maintaining the readability and integrity of the original resolution. In summary we have introduced template:createInstance in section "13.4.2 Prefix", and described at length in "13.4.3. Base Language Subset".


The details of the text are as follows:



In section "13.4.2 Prefix" 



For the remainder of section 13.4, the "template" prefix is by default associated with the template profile namespace URI.


The Template Profile introduces a new "template:createInstance" extension attribute to mark an opaque activity as a start activity. This  "template:createInstance" attribute carries similar semantics to the "createInstance" attribute of inbound message activities which are defined in both executable processes, and the common base of abstract processes. Please refer to Section 13.4.3 below for the detailed usage of this attribute.



In section "13.4.3. Base Language subset"


All start activities MUST be defined in a process of this Template Profile. That is, every inbound message activity with a createInstance="yes" attribute that is added during executable completion  MUST replace an opaque activity with template:createInstance="yes". No new start activities may be added in the executable completion.






Charlton Barreto
Sr. Computer Scientist
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue, MS E15
San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA
408.536.4496 p
415.692.5396 v


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