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Subject: WS-BPEL XML Schema - Global Elements other than <process>

Resending with a more "readable" subject line :-)
----- Forwarded by Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM on 05.05.2006 07:25 -----
             BM@IBMDE                                                   To
             05.05.2006 07:21                                           cc
                                       wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org, Thomas
                                       [wsbpel] Fw:  Änderungen an den
                                       BPEL TC XSDs                    

Hi Alex, as discussed in the TC, the current WS-BPEL XML Schema allows
creating valid XML documents that contain root elements other than

For example (I dropped the namespace declarations for readability):
   <copy ...>
is a valid WS-BPEL document !!!

It is only necessary to allow <bpel:process> or <bpel:service-ref> as
WS-BPEL root documents, and <bpel:property> and <bpel:propertyAlias> as
WSDL extension elements.

Thomas created a WS-BPEL XML Schema (with about 15 minor modifications
marked THS) that would avoid valid root documents like the one shown above.
   (See attached file: wsbpel_main.xsd)
Please have a look at it. Thanks in advance!!

Kind Regards

 Dieter König                                Mail: dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com
IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH

 Senior Technical Staff Member               Tel (office): (+49)
7031-16-3426      Schönaicher Strasse 220

 Architect, Business Process Choreographer   Fax (office): (+49)
7031-16-4890      71032 Böblingen

 Member, Technical Expert Council            Tel (home office): (+49)
7032-201464  Germany

(See attached file: wsbpel_main.xsd)
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