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Subject: minutes for May 1-5 f2f
- From: Diane Jordan <>
- To:
- Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 22:42:10 -0400
These are summary minutes for the face
to face meeting. As agreed, detailed notes of discussion weren't
taken since results of discussion are documented in updates to the spec,
issues submitted and action items opened. Changes to the spec are
in chapters 11 and 12 and identified by markups in the document that was
posted to the TC web site Friday am (
Issues 273 - 285 were opened as a result
of the discussion. A number of those (275, 277, 279, 281, 282 and
284) were resolved and in some cases applied to the text (see issues list
for details). and in the issues and action items (95-102) that were
opened during the meeting. Issues were opened for each normative
change that was more than a clarification of text already in the document.
During the meeting, we completed review
of chapters 11 and 12 and created a new chapter 14 which was created by
moving extension related info from chapter 12. This makes the examples
chapter 15. The resulting draft was approved as our current committee
draft on Friday. The link to the clean approved version is at:
Review of chapter 13 was started. The
updates so far are reflected in the document at:
Review of chapter 13 will be continued
by a volunteer sub-team. A call will be held on Monday with the hopes
that we will be able to complete the review this coming week. Once
this pre-editing is complete, an updated version of the spec with changes
to chapter 13 will be posted to the TC for review as a committee draft.
If anyone else would like to join this pre-review, you are welcome
- information is on the calendar.
In parallel with the ongoing work on
chapter 13, we discussed having members independently review the remaining
chapters (15, examples and 16 Security considerations) and the appendices
with the objective of having them ready for review by the whole group within
a week or so. Alex has already started work on the XSD appendix.
The other appendices that need review are: A. Standard Faults,
B. Attributes and Defaults, C. Examples of Replacement Logic, E.
Notices, F. Intellectual Property Rights, G. Revision History, H. References
(Normative), I. References (Non-Normative), J. Committee Members (Non-Normative).
Our next call will be May 10, 8am pacific,
as usual. At that call, we will discuss the workplan to complete
preparation of the public review draft. Once chapters 13 and 15 and
the appendices are complete, we will still need to apply the remaining
resolved issues and action items. We also have a list of open issues
that need to be resolved and then applied to the spec.
Please consider your schedule for the
upcoming weeks and whether you will be able to contribute to the work effort
to review the appendices or the subsequent work to apply the issues and
action items. On the call Wed, I will ask for volunteers to start
work on the remaining chapters and appendices with a target of having them
ready for TC review by May 17.
Regards, Diane
IBM Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709
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