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Subject: Fw: [wsbpel] Groups - wsbpel-specification-draft-figures.ppt (wsbpel-specification-draft-figures.ppt) uploaded

I consolidated all figures of the current specification draft into one ppt
file and uploaded it to OASIS (not yet in CVS as it is down) as

The following to-do items are pending (figure numbers are those of the ppt,
not those of the spec doc):
 - create captions with figure numbers in the spec doc for **all** figures
- currently, some don't have one
 - add figure 2 (purchase order process - partner links) to spec doc
section 5.1 (initial example)
 - slightly change figure 1 (purchase order process - outline) - I aligned
the style more closely to the other figures
 - slightly change figure 3 (flow graph) - I aligned the style more closely
to the other figures

If this sounds acceptable to the TC then I would create an editing AI,
assign it to myself, and do it the next time I have the pen :-).

Kind Regards
 Dieter König                                Mail: dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com         IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
 Senior Technical Staff Member               Tel (office): (+49) 7031-16-3426      Schönaicher Strasse 220
 Architect, Business Process Choreographer   Fax (office): (+49) 7031-16-4890      71032 Böblingen
 Member, Technical Expert Council            Tel (home office): (+49) 7032-201464  Germany

----- Forwarded by Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM on 10.05.2006 15:02 -----
             BM@IBMDE                                                   To
             10.05.2006 15:02                                           cc
                                       [wsbpel] Groups -               
                                       .ppt) uploaded                  


 -- Mr Dieter Koenig

The document named wsbpel-specification-draft-figures.ppt
(wsbpel-specification-draft-figures.ppt) has been submitted by Mr Dieter
Koenig to the OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language
(WSBPEL) TC document repository.

Document Description:
consolidated ppt with all ws-bpel spec figures

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-OASIS Open Administration

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