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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 274 - Proposal to Vote

+1 to Alex here.

Consider a CH that has two execution paths. All CH in a CH instance group
would take one path and complete, except one which takes the other path and

There is no point in treating missingReply different from any other fault,
e.g. uninitializedVariable. You could always use the same rationale for
suppressing a fault, regardless of what fault it was.

OTOH, suppressing a fault in a CH would let you continue on an inconsistent
path. You could always argue about cases where 99% could complete. But then
you can model it differently and try to catch faults more locally (again,
no difference between missingReply and any other fault).

Kind Regards
 Dieter König                                Mail: dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com         IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
 Senior Technical Staff Member               Tel (office): (+49) 7031-16-3426      Schönaicher Strasse 220
 Architect, Business Process Choreographer   Fax (office): (+49) 7031-16-4890      71032 Böblingen
 Member, Technical Expert Council            Tel (home office): (+49) 7032-201464  Germany

             Alex Yiu                                                  
             com>                                                       To
                                       Mark Ford                       
             11.05.2006 05:38          <mark.ford@active-endpoints.com>
                                       "'Danny van der Rijn'"          
                                       <dannyv@tibco.com>, Dieter      
                                       Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 274 - Proposal
                                       to Vote                         

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes, we should converge to a proposal soon.

Maybe, I can stress few more things:
My first point and third point actually go together. Let me rephrase some
of my points. Hopefully the linkage in my logic is clearer.

Point [1]
      The missingReplies error is actually resulted from the modelling
      mistake or unanticipated runtime failure in the CH of the child scope
      , not the FH of the parent scope. Fault at the CH level is more

Point [3]
      Consider case [a]: a CH forget to initialize a variable before using
      it. And, that is a modelling error in the CH. Then, this modelling
      error causes uninitializedVariable to be thrown from the CH to the
      "calling"/"invoking" fault handler.

      Now consider case [b]:  a CH forget to reply after receiving a
      request. And, that is a modelling error in the CH.

      Should we treat these two cases of modelling error symmetrically?
      That is, causes a missingReply fault to be thrown from the CH to the
      "calling"/"invoking" fault handler.

      Or, we would NOT detect this modelling error as early as possible
      simialr to the case of uninitializedVariable. And, let the calling FH
      continue until the end of it?

      This is the asymmetry treating modelling errors related to
      missingReplies and other fault (e.g. uninitializedVariable) concerns
      me. This asymmetry applies to one more bullet below.

Additional points:
      So far the existing checking logic for missingReply (described in the
      previous four bullets in this section)  are to check orphaned IMA as
      early as possible. If we check it at the end of CH, it would be more

      Mark Ford wrote:
            Lastly, the syntax below for providing <catchAll> around the
            <compensateScope> only allows continuation for other targets
            and not other instances within the same instance group.
            Granted, the language for faults within an instance group cause
            it to short circuit but I go back to my point above about the
            difference between a fault and the check for the condition.
      Similar asymmetry plays here. If you encounter an modelling error
      within a CH other than missingReply, it will also stop other CH
      instances within the same group from executing anyway. If you really
      want a comprehensive solution (instead of special treatment of
      missingReply) for all fault situations, it may be better to have
      suppressFault="yes" in a compensation activitiy. That is, when a
      fault happens within a group, the fault will be suppressed and other
      instances of CH can continue. But, that is a new switch feature to
      Dieter's proposal on compensation. It may be better delayed to next
      version of WS-BPEL spec.

      And, I would argue that when a bunch of CH instances are grouped
      together, they may tend to be related. Hence, it may be more useful
      to stop other instances of CH to be execute. (Think of the situation
      the CH-instance-group is created by a <while> loop).

      The semantics of checking at the end of FH does not allow the
      behavior of stopping the calling FH from the further execution
      immediately. On the other hand, in the case of non-CH-instance-group
      situation, checking at the end of CH will allow us to choose: to end
      the calling FH immediately or to suppress the fault and continue with
      other CH. That is: faulting at CH level is more flexible.
      Particularly, if one defines a suppressFault="yes".

I would also appreicate additional feedback on these 2 variants of
Thanks again!

Alex Yiu

Mark Ford wrote:

      I agree with your first point in that this is a modeling error or
      unanticipated runtime failure.

      I am not in complete agreement with the second. The compensation
      handler is an optional continuation of the scope but the scope is in
      a different state during its compensation so it's not so strange to
      me to have different rules for checking for error conditions. Since
      the scope's fault handlers have been uninstalled then I consider it
      the responsibility for an activity outside of the scope to detect the

      I don't agree with your third point. I view the faults in bpel as
      being raised as soon as they are detected by the engine. This
      detection process occurs through the execution of an activity,
      evaluation of a link, receipt of data ...etc. In the case of
      bpel:missingReply, there is no fault until the check is made. The
      previous four bullets in this section have normative language about
      when the check for the orphaned IMA's is made, not how the fault is

      That said, I think your most compelling argument for having the CH
      check for the orphaned IMA's is that the compensation work for
      multiple scopes may be related so you would want the compensation
      handler to check for orphaned IMA's fault immediately. On the other
      hand, they may not be related so it could be better to let it

      Lastly, the syntax below for providing <catchAll> around the
      <compensateScope> only allows continuation for other targets and not
      other instances within the same instance group. Granted, the language
      for faults within an instance group cause it to short circuit but I
      go back to my point above about the difference between a fault and
      the check for the condition.

      In any case, we need to close this issue on the next call so I'd
      appreciate any additional feedback or other input from the group.


      From: Alex Yiu [mailto:alex.yiu@oracle.com]
      Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:26 PM
      To: Mark Ford
      Cc: wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org; Alex Yiu; Danny van der Rijn;
      'Dieter Koenig1'
      Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 274 - Proposal to Vote

      Hi Mark,

      I guess you would not be surprised that I still prefer detecting
      orphaned IMA at the end of compensationHandler. Reasons are:
            The missingReplies error is actually resulted from the
            modelling mistake or unanticipated runtime failure in the child
            scope (which the CH is attached), not the FH of the parent
            scope. Fault at the CH level is more precise.

            From section 12.4.2: "This is because their compensation
            handlers are still available, and therefore the execution of
            such scopes may continue during the execution of their
            compensation handlers, which can be thought of as an optional
            continuation of the behavior of the associated scope." I tend
            to interprete that the primary (normal) activity of the scope
            is its part #1, while the activity of the CH of that scope is
            its part #2. Their nature should be symmetrical in the
            counter-working way. If we perform certain checks in part #1,
            similar checks should happen in part #2.

            The asymmetry between missingReplies and other fault (e.g.
            selectionFailure) concerns me. (This is the last but the most
            important point.) If there is a problem in the CH logic that
            triggers a fault (e.g. selectionFailure), it will be propagated
            from the CH to the corresponding compensation activity in
            FCTHandler (fault, compensation and termination).  If there is
            no fault handling around the compensation activity, the whole
            FCTHandler will not continue. But, now we are saying that the
            FCTHandler will continue until its end, if the error condition
            is the missingReplies fault? This asymmetry may be surprising
            to users. I would say it may the process more difficult to

      Let me use one more example to illustrate my preference. If one wants
      to continue the logic in a FH including continuing other compensation
      activities, one want to add a scope

      That is changing from:
      <catch ... >
              <compensationScope target="A" />
              <compensationScope target="B" />
              <compensationScope target="C" />
      <catch ... >
                  <catchAll>  <empty/> </catchAll>
                  <compensationScope target="A" />
              <compensationScope target="B" />
              <compensationScope target="C" />

      This <catchAll> will handle all kind of faults, not just

      Again, it will allow BPEL process definition to have a finer grain of
      control on how to handle missingReplies fault.

      Also, **if** the work of "A", "B" and "C" are highly related to each
      other, I would say that it is actually more common for the process
      designer to prefer the compensation work stop immediately, if the
      compensation of "A" failed. That will avoid any propagating any
      strange states from "A" to "B" and "C".  That is also consistent with
      the design of Compensation Handler Instance Group. That is, if one
      instance fails within the group, other instances (not started yet)
      will not be attempted.

      I hope I did a better convincing job this time. :-)

      More thoughts?

      Alex Yiu

      Mark Ford wrote:

            In dealing with an orphaned IMA within a compensation handler,
            it seems to me that there are two possible resolutions. Either
            the compensation handler detects the orphaned IMA's and faults
            or the detection of orphaned IMA's is deferred to the fault
            handler or termination handler that invoked the compensation
            handler. I am in favor of the latter since it allows
            compensation to continue even with orphaned IMA's. There is
            very little that can be done with these orphaned IMA's so we
            may as well allow the compensation logic to proceed as best it
            can and defer its fault to

            I have reworded my original proposal to avoid introducing any
            new terms as per Danny's suggestion. The approach is still the
            same in that the detection of an orphaned IMA is NOT made by
            the compensationHandler.

            Add a fifth bullet to Section 12.2 which reads as follows:

            No checks for orphaned IMA's are made when a compensation
            handler completes. The compensation handler's execution must
            necessarily start from within a fault or termination handler so
            any orphaned IMA's created by a compensation handler will be
            detected and handled as described in the above bullets.

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