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Subject: Agenda for May 15 TC meeting
- From: Diane Jordan <>
- To:
- Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 14:59:25 -0400
The next meeting of the WS BPEL TC will
be a conference call Monday May 15, 8am-10am Pacific. Dial in info
is: USA & Canada Toll Free Number: +1 866 500 6738, Pass code: 600345,
All Others (toll): +1 203 480 8000, Pass code: 600345. We will use
an irc chat at: Breeze
will be used for realtime editing if needed. Join the meeting at:
Proposed agenda
- Nomination/volunteers to take minutes
(note - no detailed minutes will be kept while we are editing. Decisions
will be document via mark up in the draft spec, new issues or action items.)
- Roll call/determine quorum
- Review agenda
- Review chapter 13 as updated by the
team doing the pre-review:
Summary of May 10 meeting:
- May 15 call agreed to to complete
review of chapter 13
- 268: resolution passed as described
- 270, 271, 274, 278: opened
- 273: opened and closed with resolution
as in:
- 276: it was noted that this issue
was officially opened, resolved and applied during the F2F last week.
- Volunteers agreed to start pre-reviews
of chapters 15, 16 and appendices to expedite full TC review. Each
chapter/appendix will be copied into a separate document and edited with
change marks. Once complete (target May 17) these will be distributed
to the full TC for review.
Thanks to these volunteers:
Chapter 15 (examples): Mike to
do first pass, Simon to review with focus on the xml.
Chapter 16 (security considerations):
Appendix A (standard faults): Dieter
Appendix B (attributes and defaults)
: Thomas
Appendix C (example of replacement logic)
: Charlton
Appendix D (xsd): Alex
Appendix E (Notices) and F (IPR): Sally
(took over from Diane)
Appendix G (revision history): NA
Appendix H (normative references) and
I (non-normative references): Mike
Appendix J (members): Sally (took
over from Diane)
Appendix tbd (static analysis table):
Vinky and Thomas
Let me know if I got anyone wrong.
I am working on putting a timeline together
to help with planning our workload - I hope to have it ready to share before
the call on May 17.
John Evdemon and Diane Jordan
WS-BPEL TC Co-chairs
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