can update partnerLinks so maybe the following for 10.5:
Updating Variables and Partner
Links - Assign
Minor suggestions (mostly to make things
shorter and hopefully more readable)
10. Basic Activities
10.3. Invoking Web Service Operations - Invoke
10.4. Providing Web Service Operations - Receive
10.5. Updating Variables Contents - Assign
10.6. Signaling Internal Faults - Throw
10.7. Delayed Execution - Wait
10.8. Doing Nothing - Empty
10.9. Adding new Activity Types - ExtensionActivity
10.10. Immediately Ending a Process - Exit
10.11. Propagating Faults - Rethrow
11. Structured Activities
11.1. Sequential Processing - Sequence
11.2. Conditional Behavior - If
11.3. Pre-test Repetitive Execution - While
11.4. Post-test Repetitive Execution - RepeatUntil
11.5. Selective Processing - Pick
11.6. Directed Graph Processing - Flow
11.7. Multiple Branch Processing - ForEach
ForEach's title I'm not thrilled with, but I can't come up with an alternative at the moment.
Dieter Koenig1 wrote:
The current spec has inconsistent headings for sections introducing WS-BPEL
activities: chapter 10 has **explanatory headings**, while chapter 11 only
has **activity names**.
10. Basic Activities
10.3. Invoking Web Service Operations
10.4. Providing Web Service Operations
10.5. Updating Variable Contents
10.6. Signaling Internal Faults
10.7. Waiting
10.8. Doing Nothing
10.9. Using Extension Activities
10.10. Immediately Ending a Process
10.11. Propagaing Faults in a Fault Handler
11. Structured Activities
11.1. Sequence
11.2. If
11.3. While
11.4. RepeatUntil
11.5. Pick
11.6. Flow
11.7. ForEach
I propose headings for the activity sections that consistently combine
explanatory words with the activity name.
10. Basic Activities
10.3. Invoking Web Service Operations - Invoke
10.4. Providing Web Service Operations - Receive
10.5. Updating Variable Contents - Assign
10.6. Signaling Internal Faults - Throw
10.7. Delayed Execution - Wait
10.8. Doing Nothing - Empty
10.9. Adding new Activity Types - ExtensionActivity
10.10. Immediately Ending a Process - Exit
10.11. Propagating Faults - Rethrow
11. Structured Activities
11.1. Sequential Processing - Sequence
11.2. Conditional Behavior - If
11.3. Pre-test Repetitive Execution - While
11.4. Post-test Repetitive Execution - RepeatUntil
11.5. Selective Processing - Pick
11.6. Directed Graph Processing - Flow
11.7. Multiple Branch Processing - ForEach
If there is no objection from the TC (I wait a couple of days :-) then I
open an editing Action Item and perform the change at the next opportunity.
Kind Regards
Dieter König Mail: IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
Senior Technical Staff Member Tel (office): (+49) 7031-16-3426 Schönaicher Strasse 220
Architect, Business Process Choreographer Fax (office): (+49) 7031-16-4890 71032 Böblingen
Member, Technical Expert Council Tel (home office): (+49) 7032-201464 Germany
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