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Subject: Fw: namespace and xsd for OASIS standards

Alex, I think you're the one taking care of this for us - let me know if you have further questions you'd like me to persue.  
Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709

----- Forwarded by Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM on 05/23/2006 11:07 AM -----
Mary McRae <marypmcrae@gmail.com>

05/23/2006 11:01 AM
Please respond to

Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
tc-admin@oasis-open.org, James Bryce Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>, Michael Winters/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS, alex.yiu@oracle.com
Re: namespace and xsd for OASIS standards

Hi Diane,

 The first question is whether you're planning on using URI or URN namespaces. I can tell you about some best practices for URI namespaces. It's the eventual goal - but not yet a rule - that all namespaces should be resolvable. That would mean it should point to docs.oasis-open.org/tcname/specname. It doesn't mean that the object itself must be located there (although that's one approach); it does mean that there should be some information describing the thing that the namespace refers to and maybe links to additional information. There is no best practice regarding use of month/year, and it's not anticipated that it will be included in the rules once they're completed.

 Schema files - as dictated by best practice - should be a meaningful name (something other than "x.xsd") but it's completely up to the TC.

 I hope this helps!



Diane Jordan wrote:

We're preparing for public review and then approval and need to know whether there is any direction from OASIS (rule, guideline, convention, best practice, etc) on two points related to the schema:
Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards

(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709

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