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Subject: Agenda for May 31 TC meeting
- From: Diane Jordan <>
- To:
- Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 23:13:39 -0400
The next meeting of the WS BPEL TC will
be a conference call Wed. May 31, 8am-10am Pacific. Dial in info
is: USA & Canada Toll Free Number: +1 866 500 6738, Pass code: 600345,
All Others (toll): +1 203 480 8000, Pass code: 600345. We will use
an irc chat at: Breeze
will be used for realtime editing if needed. Join the meeting at:
Summary of May 24 meeting:
Action items should only be opened for
trivial editing changes - anything else should be an issue. Action
item 66 was objected to and should be opened as an issue if still desired.
124 and 125 will be opened as sub issues of 147 as they were created
in the process of creating the static analysis table.
Approved Appendix A for inclusion in
the spec.
Appendix B requires update - will be
discussed further next week.
Issue 280 - opened
Issue 274 - resolved:
Issue 285 - resolved:
Issue 286 - resolved with amendment:
Issue 283 - opened and resolved:
It was noted that a section was missing
from 13.3 when the resolution for issue 82.3 was applied to the spec. Rania
will circulate the original words with appropriate editing for review by
email and inclusion in the spec.
Proposed agenda
- Nomination/volunteers to take minutes
- Roll call/determine quorum
- Review agenda
- Approve minutes for May 10, May 15-17,
May 24
- Update on timing of next f2f meeting
- Update on spec editing status.
Approve chapters 15 and 16, Appendix
H, Static analysis appendix if there are no outstanding comments
Approve updated appendix B
- Issue discussion:
Proposed resolutions: 271
Proposals to open new issues: 287,
288, 289, 290
Other open issues: 247, 249,
270, 278, 280
- Agenda for next meeting
- New business
John Evdemon and Diane Jordan
WS-BPEL TC Co-chairs
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