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wsbpel message

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Subject: Issue 305 proposal for discussion

I have prepared the changes for Issue 305 and added them to the TC documents page:


Here are the links to the document:


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Summary of changes:

1. restored the <query> option to the first from-spec and to-spec.

2. various edits to Section 8 to establish that a query has a context while an expression does not

3. establish XPath 1.0 as the default value for a <propertyAlias> query


As it turns out, this was probably the fewest number of edits in order to achieve consistency between queryLanguage and expressionLanguage. Restoring the <query> to the from-spec and to-spec resulted in some overlap with the expression variants but this hopefully won’t cause any concern as we had this in the past and have agreed that redundancy was ok.

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