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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] A possible issue concerning the definition of IMA scope
Hi, Ron, Besides 10.4.1, another relevant part of IMA and message exchange handling is in section 12.2: ------------------------ 12.2. Message
Exchange Handling
When the primary activity and the event handlers of a <scope> complete then all Web service interactions dependent on
partner links
or message exchanges declared inside of the <scope> need to be completed. An orphaned IMA occurs when
an IMA using a
partner link or message exchange, declared in the completing <scope> or its descendants, remains open. .... ------------------------ If we do a brief update in 10.1.4 from: ----------------------- Further if an open IMA goes out of scope prior to being closed ----------------------- to: ----------------------- Further if an open IMA goes out of scope (known as an orphaned IMA) prior to being closed ----------------------- from: ----------------------- (see section 12. Scopes for other details of bpel:missingReply). ----------------------- to: ----------------------- (see section 12.2 Message Exchange Handling for other details of bpel:missingReply and orphaned IMA). ----------------------- then, it may improve ease of understanding. Please see more inline: Ron Ten-Hove wrote: An IMA has associated with it three scopes, two of which are associated with its identity: [AYIU]: I have not found the exact usage of term "scope of an IMA". But I do find the usage of "an open IMA goes out of scope". I hope my above suggestion make it easier to read and understand. I think the answer is definitely not choice #1. The answer will be the fifth one, as indicated in section 12.2: the closest scope to the IMA activity, if partnerLink and messageExchange are declared in different scopes. Because, <reply> activities need both partnerLink and messageExchange (maybe implicit) to match an IMA. As an illustrative (and abbreviated) example:[AYIU]: The above example is definitely a valid process. My question for the TC is this: what is the scope of an IMA? Have I missed the appropriate text in the spec that clarifies this, should we add a clarification, presumably in section 10.4.1? If clarification is necessary, what will our definition of IMA scope be? [AYIU]: I tend to think the description in description in 12.2 is clear enough. IMHO, we may not need any new big paragraph. A refinement of cross reference should be good enough. Thanks! Regards, Alex Yiu |
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