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Subject: [wsia] WSIA specifc WSDL interfaces and protocols sub committee: phonemeeting.

Dan, Shankar, Rich, Gil, Alan, Terry, Monica, Graeme, Sean,

The following is an excerpt from the sub-committees formed during the F2F.

WSIA specific WSDL description & protocol for both embedded and

   June joint F2F: review draft of spec
   July release w/WSRP: 1st draft of spec w/WSRP
   3Q 2002: Sample Impl(s), bake-off?
   4Q 2002: Final iteration on 1.0 spec
   1Q 2003

Lets meet to discuss and establish the scope and the charter.
How does Wed May 1, 12-1pm work for you?

Ravi Konuru

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