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Subject: Re: [wsia] WSIA specifc WSDL interfaces and protocols sub committee:phone meeting.
Yes, I did mean 12-1pm EST May1. Sorry for the confusion. Since six of us have accepted this time, lets go ahead and get things started. Please try to find some time to think of what we should be doing in our subcommitee and lets do some brainstorming. Here are the callin details: Entry Method: Tone In CALL DATE: MAY-01-2002 (Wednesday) CALL TIME: 12:00 PM EASTERN TIME DURATION: 1 hr USA Toll Free Number: 888-603-7040 PASSCODE: 27590 regards, Ravi Konuru eBusiness Tools and Frameworks, IBM Research office: 914-784-7180, tieline 8-863-7180; fax -3804 I'm assuming this is EDT. If so, that works for me. Sean At 06:46 AM 4/30/2002 -0400, you wrote: >Dan, Shankar, Rich, Gil, Alan, Terry, Monica, Graeme, Sean, > >The following is an excerpt from the sub-committees formed during the F2F. > >WSIA specific WSDL description & protocol for both embedded and >customization: > > June joint F2F: review draft of spec > July release w/WSRP: 1st draft of spec w/WSRP > 3Q 2002: Sample Impl(s), bake-off? > 4Q 2002: Final iteration on 1.0 spec > 1Q 2003 > >Lets meet to discuss and establish the scope and the charter. >How does Wed May 1, 12-1pm work for you? > >regards, >Ravi Konuru > > > >---------------------------------------------------------------- >To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription >manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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