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Subject: [wsia] Agenda and call-in numbers for Friday 5/3 12-1pm Eastern Telcon

Folks -- here's the agenda and call-in information for tomorrow's WSIA call
from 12-1pm Eastern:


1. Roll-call
2. Approve minutes and review action items from F2F, particularly edits to
the draft requirements document
3. Update on plans for June F2F w/WSRP
4. Discussion and reminder to file IP disclosures
5. Joint Interfaces subcommittee update
6. WSIA-specific interfaces subcommittee update
7. Customized subcomittee update
8. Security/conformance subcommittee update
9. Glossary

Call in number is: 1-888-282-2156, pc 572602
International: 712-247-0358

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