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Subject: Re: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E922]

As we are dealing with the domain of Web Services, an assumption should be
made that the spec should pertain to any Web Service. Therefore, I see no
need for the spec to specifically call out legacy applications and
infrastructure. The spec will pertain to any software component that can be
described using a Web Services facade.

Therefore I do not see a need for this requirement. I motion for deletion.

Dan Gisolfi

To:    wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:    [wsia][wsia-requirements][E922]


Producers SHOULD provide the capability to  support legacy applications and
infrastructure. Debate: GG, ER, DG, SB,  TJ.

This seems  to be a requirement from a tool and not necessarily from the


The  specification should not preclude Producers from providing the
capability to  support legacy applications and  infrastructure.

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