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Subject: RE: [wsia] [wsia-requirements][E907]

I was mostly agreeing, but was raising the next level of questions for the
discussion. As we went through a similar set of discussions related to
WSXL, we decided to keep the reading of properties separate, but to support
all flavors of update (create, update and delete) as a single operation
that was also conceptually carried on most (all instance oriented
operations other than destroy) other operations.

                      "Quintas, Peter"                                                                           
                      <Peter.Quintas@di        To:       Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS,                         
                      vine.com>                 <wsia@lists.oasis-open.org>                                      
                      05/06/2002 12:03         Subject:  RE: [wsia] [wsia-requirements][E907]                    

I not sure if the first part of your response was in support of my
comment or not...  To bring some clarity to my comment...  There is a
potential req for batching property updates in a single invocation AND
there is another potential requirement for batching this same operation
as a part of another function that it would be commonly invoked with
(getMarkup() and invokeAction()).  I think the issue is whether we cover
this in broader reqs that cover all operation or we narrow down on this
specific function for the purpose of the req.  I would think that the
more specifics and clarity we bring to the req, the better.

The point I was trying to make with the "CRUD" is that functionally
"update" was defined to be something broader in our F2F discussions.  (I
remember a "blank update" signifying a delete)  I was actually trying to
NOT create confusing by some undocumented meaning of "update" in the

Does this make sense?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 10:47 AM
To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [wsia] [wsia-requirements][E907]

I think the intent here is to capture a significant reduction in network
overhead without a significant increase in complexity. Since this
requirement (even as you have rewritten it) could be accomplished either
batching operation invocations (supported by all web service stacks?) or
defining batch oriented operations, I think the intent can be
I think the batching of dissimilar operations raises a lot of issues,
of which will be out of the domain of this committee and therefore
not be covered as a requirement (though we may want to drive the issues
onto the relevant standards committees).

As far as the expansion of this requirement involved in your rewrite, do
want to require the create, update, delete AND read can all be done in a
single operation? Basically, does combining read and write create more
confusion than it is worth?

                      "Quintas, Peter"

                      <Peter.Quintas@di        To:
                      vine.com>                cc:

                                               Subject:  [wsia]
                      05/06/2002 09:31


      It should be possible for a Consumer to batch update multiple
      properties of the Producer with one invocations.

      Debate: GT, PQ, TC, SR, WC, RT.
      Debate whether this is true for all WSIA operations.

      I think the edit we came up with is fine, althought I also think
      this *is* true for all (or most) WSIA operations.  The problem I
      is that as requirements we may want to single out operations that
      be performed in batch to simplify our scope.  All WSIA operations
      be done in batch, but this may be to complex a specification for
      1.  I imagine there might be some more complex state management if
      getMarkup() or invokeAction() were able to be invoked in batch.
      Therefore, I propose that we might want to keep this requirement
      only properties at this time.  I would expand the requirement (or
      more reqs) to encompass reading properties and performing updates
      reads along with other operations (for example, getMarkup() or
      invokeAction()).  I would also expand the definition to encompass
      types of "updates" for clarity.

      New edit:

      It should be possible for a Consumer to batch create, read, update
      and delete multiple properties of the Producer with one
      It should also be possible to perform this operation in
      with other operations.

Question:  What other operations might be perform in batch they we would
want to include in the reqs, if any?


peter j quintas
director of technology
web services infrastructure lab
divine, inc.
main: +1 312 606 8100
direct: +1 312 606 8124
mobile: +1 312 953 7845
fax: +1 312 896 5972

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