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Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R413]
There is a concise scenario nicely describing the value of semantic validation in the XForms intro chapter[1]. I see no reason not to include the XForms binding constraint technology[2] as a recommendation along with the Schema datatype constraint technology. My only issue with R413 is that it's unclear whether #4 is necessary -- are binding constraints not included in semantic constraints (#3)? Tim [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-xforms-20020118/slice2.html [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-xforms-20020118/slice6.html > I *think* I understand the intent but not necessarily the motivation. > Are rich semantic descriptions of property values and relations a > *requirement* or a "nice to have" feature of a particular API? I can see > the value of having *human-readable* meta-information (aids the user of > the Web Service). I can see the value of type constraints a-la Schema > (mainly helping the Consumer map properties into programming > constructs). Can anyone clarify the value of richer constraints? > > Or, maybe, can we perhaps define this requirement as open for > extensibility, for example: > This specification should permit the Producer to specify additional > machine-readable semantic information regarding properties. > ...which would lead to a construct such as Schema's <app-info> > which > allows arbitrary (but not specified) type constraints and information. > -----Original Message----- > From: Alan Kropp [mailto:akropp@epicentric.com] > Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 9:10 PM > To: 'wsia@lists.oasis-open.org' > Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R413] > R413 [Expressiveness] > Producer properties should allow for the specification > of > validation constraints and/or logic at each of the following levels: > 1. lexical > 2. syntactic > 3. semantic > 4. Constraints linking two property elements, defining how the > value of > one may be computed from that of the other. Debate: CW, SR, AK, SF, SA. > Also > 414-415 > Reword #4: > By reference to the value(s) of one or more properties already > defined. > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription > manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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