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Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
I think that your observation that JavaScript is essentially "yet another binary format" catches the bull by its horns - in a way, that sharpens the question.
It more than makes sense - in my view - to ignore customization of binary formats for the first release (at least by the Consumer, the Producer can always hand-code anything).
However, to me, supporting action routing in JavaScript (even if not transparently) is a must. (There are way too many apps that use JavaScript for links and forms).
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Ravi Konuru [mailto:rkonuru@us.ibm.com]
- Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 9:59 AM
- To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
- Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
- Questions/comments:
- - Is Java script being considered non- binary in these discussions?
- From my perspective, it is binary.
- - Does "Should not" mean that we will "try" not to introduce in our
- specification assumptions about output of a service? This is not
- verifiable. I rather say we will initially focus on XML formats but will
- tackle binary formats in the next rev? However, don't like this option. see
- next.
- - Should we define a set of guidelines for downloaded binary code to
- allow at least for routing if not for customization? I prefer this. Given
- the prevalence of downloaded code (script and flash). We should say what
- works and what doesn't.
- regards,
- Ravi Konuru
- Rich
- Thompson/Watson/I To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
- BM@IBMUS cc:
- Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
- 05/06/2002 08:39
- AM
- While I do think we need to think about how a Consumer can provide enough
- information that a Producer could embed action invocations and the like in
- binary formats, I think the last sentence needs to be a SHOULD NOT rather
- than a MUST NOT as it may not turn out to be feasible once we consider this
- for a multi-tiered chain of Producers and Consumer.
- Eilon Reshef
- <eilon.reshef@webc To: "'Alan Kropp'"
- <akropp@epicentric.com>,
- ollage.com> wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
- cc:
- 05/06/2002 01:06 Subject: RE:
- [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
- AM
- I'll put my 1.5 cents into this discussion, even though I didn't originally
- put my name for it :-)
- I think that it more than makes sense that we shouldn't ask the Consumer to
- parse and modify Flash content, Java applets, or any other binary format.
- The question in my mind (regarding the actual intent of this requirement)
- is: should the WSIA protocol *permit* some sequence of calls in which a
- WSIA Web Service that contains Flash/Java/ActiveX with links or forms would
- still work, even though it has user interaction, and even though "smart
- look-and-feel customization" (whatever this is) will not be offered.
- This point - although seemingly minor - may have significant implications
- on the actual protocol with regards to action routing.
- If we do decide that binary formats should be supported even at a basic
- level, then (at least according to my possibly limited understanding) this
- means that we must provide at least some way (not necessarily the
- "mainstream" way) for the Consumer to provide enough information to the
- Producer (who serves the binary data) so that the binary content is served
- in such a way in which all the actions are routed correctly to the
- Consumer. This means that the Producer has to take care of it, but it would
- make it doable.
- We at WebCollage have encountered some cases where people used Flash for
- parts of their applications, so it made sense for us to consider it.
- However, we need to decide whether this is something that the WSIA
- committee as a whole cares about.
- Eilon
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Alan Kropp [mailto:akropp@epicentric.com]
- Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 8:41 PM
- To: 'wsia@lists.oasis-open.org'
- Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R602]
- R602 [Flexibility]
- This specification should support common Presentation
- Formats, which are in use today in Net-enabled applications. In
- particular,
- it should support HTML, XHTML, WML and XML as Presentation Formats.
- It must
- not preclude the use of other presentation formats (Eilon: such as
- Flash,
- GIFs, etc.). Debate on last sentence: AK, CW.
- I think only XML and HTML (due to its ubiquity) markups should be
- supported
- by name, other formats should be considered opaque in the markup
- stream.
- Last sentence should read:
- It must not preclude the use of other presentation formats, although
- these
- (e.g., Flash, GIFs, etc.) shall be considered opaque in the markup
- stream.
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