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Subject: WSIA 5/8/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R900]
Here were my suggestions in rewrites from the list that Charles Wiecha distributed. Given the discussion (and concern re: interaction) suggest a precise definition or qualification of duration. R900 [Functional] Prevous WSIA Reqts This specification should make it possible for a user interaction (page navigation and form submission) with a Presentation Fragment (which is assumed to have been generated by a Producer and presented to an end-user by a Consumer) to be routed to the Consumer, and then delegated to the Producer. In this document, such user interaction is named Action. Note: for this to happen, URLs need to be rewritten – it should be possible to redirect actions to the Consumer and then back to the Producer that sourced the markup causing the invocation. R900 [Functional] Monica 5/7/2002 A user interaction with a Presentation Fragment SHOULD be capable of routed to the Consumer. Note: A user interaction MAY include page navigation and form submission. A Presentation Fragment MAY be generated by a Producer and presented to an end-user by a Consumer. Once routed to the Consumer, a user interaction SHOULD be delegated to the Producer. Note: A user interaction is also named an Action. Action. Rewrite: SR, MM, AK. M2: Note: This may need to have an upper level requirements that discusses for the duration of (such as a session) or a lifecycle. I see these multiple interactions as a set of patterns that occur predictably between the Producer, Consumer and end-user (entity or person). For the duration of an user interaction, the Consumer or Producer SHOULD be capable of routing a Presentation Fragment. Note: for this to happen, URLs need to be rewritten – it should be possible to redirect actions to the Consumer and then back to the Producer that sourced the markup causing the invocation. Discussion everyone? Thank you. Monica J. Martin Program Manager Drake Certivo, Inc. 208.585.5946 -----Original Message----- From: Alan Kropp Sent: Fri 5/3/2002 5:55 PM To: 'wsia@lists.oasis-open.org' Cc: Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R900] R900 [Functional] This specification should make it possible for a user interaction (page navigation and form submission) with a Presentation Fragment (which is assumed to have been generated by a Producer and presented to an end-user by a Consumer) to be routed to the Consumer, and then delegated to the Producer. In this document, such user interaction is named Action. Rewrite: SR, MM, AK. Note: for this to happen, URLs need to be rewritten - it should be possible to redirect actions to the Consumer and then back to the Producer that sourced the markup causing the invocation. I think this needs to be two separate requirements, mirroring each other. I'm not sure it's useful to introduce the term Action: R900 [Functional] This specification should make it possible for a user interaction with the generated presentation to be routed to the Consumer and optionally delegated to the Producer. R900A [Functional] This specification should make it possible for a user interaction with the generated presentation to be routed directly to the Producer, bypassing the Consumer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: < http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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