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Subject: WSIA 5/8/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R301]

WSIA Web Services MUST be self-describing and allow use by
Consumers with minimal human intervention.  Given a generic
reference to a WSIA Web Service, a Consumer MUST be capable to
obtain a description of its set of WSIA-related capabilities.  A
MAY determine whether the service supports a specific
WSIA-related capability.
Suggest we break into separate requirements in a related section by
Monica J. Martin
Program Manager
Drake Certivo, Inc.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Timothy N. Jones 
	Sent: Mon 5/6/2002 12:00 PM 
	To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org 
	Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][R301]

	Currently reads:
	  WSIA Web Services must be self-describing, making it possible
	Consumers to use them with minimal human intervention. Addition:
capture the
	idea of a spectrum of self-description. Debate: CW, TJ.
	Certain component models include the notion of introspection,
where all
	components in the system support a fundamental, minimal
interface.  One of
	the operations on this base interface is to return a list of the
	interfaces supported by the component.  Sometimes a related
	determines whether the component implements a specified
interface.  This is
	a powerful construct which would seem to be useful for our work
(where the
	interfaces might be represented as WSDL portTypes/bindings).
	Suggested replacement:
	  WSIA Web Services must be self-describing, making it possible
	Consumers to use them with minimal human intervention.  Given a
	reference to a WSIA Web Service, it must be possible for a
Consumer to
	obtain a description of its full WSIA-related capabilities.  It
must also be
	possible for a Consumer to determine whether the service
supports a specific
	WSIA-related capability.
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	manager: < http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>

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