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Subject: WSIA 5/9/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E901]

A Consumer MUST be capable of determining the statefulness of a
Producer-provided, WSIA Web Service.

Thank you.
Monica J. Martin
Program Manager
Drake Certivo, Inc.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Rich Thompson 
Sent: Thu 5/9/2002 7:59 AM 
To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org 
Subject: Re: WSIA 5/8/2002: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E901]

	Did you mean statefulness instead of state?
Monica Martin
<mmartin@certivo.        To:       Eilon Reshef
05/08/2002 11:42         Subject:  WSIA 5/8/2002:
A Consumer MUST be capable of determining the state of a
	Producer-provided, WSIA Web Service.
	Thank you.
	Monica J. Martin
	Program Manager
	Drake Certivo, Inc.
	             -----Original Message-----
	             From: Eilon Reshef
	             Sent: Sat 5/4/2002 3:44 PM
	             To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
	             Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E901]
	             The specification must provide means for Consumers
	if a Producer is a stateless WSIA Web Service. Debate: ER, SA,
R, TJ.
	             Although API-wise it may make sense that
statefulness is
	explicit, can we word the requirement in a way that doesn't
mandate it.
	For example:
	             The specification must provide means for Consumers
to behave
	consistently(?), whether a Producer is a stateful or a stateless
	Web Service.
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