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Subject: RE: [wsia] [wsrp] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] 5/14 call
I am traveling today, will not be able to make it for the call.
Srinivas Vadhri
-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 11:42 AM
To: wsia@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsia] [wsrp] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] 5/14 call
Telecon info for this call (12:00 EDT):
USA: 1-888-282-2156
International: 712-247-0358
passcode: 572602
I would like to start discussing the strawman that has been pulled together
(thanks primarily to Gil!) by merging the concrete proposals submitted at
the last WSIA face-to-face. Before doing a deep dive into any one area, we
will do a high level walk through just noting general questions & concerns.
I suspect we will spend considerable time over the next few weeks crawling
through how to make it a clean workable architecture that meets the
requirements from the various scenarios/use cases. I have also attached the
document Alan started on how the Joint Spec Draft may map onto the
conversations we have had so far about lifecycle.
(See attached file: WSIA-WSRP Joint Spec Draft 0.3.doc)(See attached file:
embedded_lifecycle.zip)(See attached file: embedded_lifecycle.doc)
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