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Subject: slight additions to WS-BaseNotification draft

Per the telecon today, I have added the following two changes to WS-BaseNotification:

1) The following text appears on the title page, as the first sentence of the status section:

On 17 June 2004, this document was approved by the OASIS WS-Notification Technical Committee for publication so that users of the specification have a stable draft version available until the TC publishes a Committee Draft.

It replaces the following text that used to be the first sentence of the status section:

This document is updated periodically on no particular schedule.

2) Igor Sedhukin, Computer Associates was added to the Acknowledgements.

Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

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