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Subject: Re: [wsn] Comparison of WSN and WS-Eventing

Here are some relevant threads from the email archive.  There has been quite a bit of debate over this, but the bolded link below is a fairly objective summary.  The posts you're replying to complement this and update it.  The other threads may provide interesting background on the overall debate.

http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsn/200405/msg00052.html (the first salvo -- argues against coupling WSN to WSRF, specifically mentions WSE).
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsn/200406/msg00007.html (discusses get/set properties vs. bespoke methods)
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsn/200406/msg00091.html (the actual analysis of WSN dependencies on WSRF)
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsn/200407/msg00001.html (draft of WS-BaseNotificaton without reference to WSRF)

chris.hipson@bt.com wrote:

Apologies for the delay in making this comment.


As an extensive user of web services and publish / subscribe mechanisms there is obvious benefit to having a single standard solution for ‘notification’ rather then two very similar specifications, so we’d support the idea of investigating the merger of WSE/WSN.


I personally suspect however that the biggest difference between WSE / WSN from a WSE authors perspective is WSN’s dependency on WS-RF?  I know that questions have been raised about this in the TC already.  Has anyone done a quick analysis of what WS-RF brings to WSN and the potential impact of its removal?


Chris Hipson

Web Services Integration Team - British Telecom

From: Steve Graham [mailto:sggraham@us.ibm.com]
Sent: 24 September 2004 14:52
To: David Hull
Cc: wsn@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [wsn] Comparison of WSN and WS-Eventing


I scanned your summary.  I need to spend more thoughtful time with it.  However, one point I do quibble with:

>Subscription End notification
>WSE subscriptions MAY include a "party to notify in case of my demise" EPR, which MAY be sent a message if the subscription must be terminated >unexpectedly.  WSN does not yet provide such a facility.
Not true.  WSN "borrows" this facility from WS-ResourceLifetime.  WS-RL defines a "topic" for resource destruction that MAY be supported by the Web service (if it allows subscription on death notices for Ws-Resources it is associated with). So if I am a subscriber, holding an EPR to a Subscription resource created by some previous Subscribe request, then I could inspect the Subscription to see a) If it supported NotificationProducer portType, and if so, if its wsnt:Topics resource property contained  the 'wsrf-rl:ResourceTermination" topic, then I could send a subscribe request to that resource on the ResourceTermination topic, and thereby receive notificaiton if the subscription is destroyed.


Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

David Hull <dmh@tibco.com>

09/23/2004 11:53 PM






[wsn] Comparison of WSN and WS-Eventing




As has been noted, the latest draft of WS-Eventing is very similar in structure to WS-BaseNotification.  The following is an attempt to characterize the similarities and the remaining differences between the two.

I apologize in advanced for the somewhat unpolished nature of this summary.  I've been temporarily busy with various non-WSN matters, but wanted to get something out to the list before the conference call.  I believe everything here is basically accurate, but there may be silly mistakes or omissions (which I will try to correct quickly, particularly if notified of them :-).  I have checked my notes from previous comparison work, but I haven't gone back to the documents to cross-check the details of this message.
The basic roles in WSN and WSE are not completely identical, but to a first approximation you can translate as follows:


Subscribing EventSink







Both WSE and WSN allow for "indirect" scenarios, where the service accepting subscription requests may not be the party sending notifications.
The Implied Resource Pattern
WSE essentially uses the IRP: A successful subscription produces an EPR which may be used to refer to the subscription.  This is a change from the previous draft, which had used subscription IDs as explicit parameters in the control messages.  The WSE spec spells out the semantic requirements of the IRP (mainly unique addressability) without reference to the IRP per se, or to WSRF or WSRP.

The shift from subscription IDs to EPRs removes a major technical barrier to reconciling the two.
Degree of control over live subscriptions
WSN allows subscriptions to be paused and resumed, and also allows for various parameters such as topic filtering and even destination consumer to be updated on the fly.  WSE simply allows an existing subscription to be renewed or canceled.
Resource-oriented operations
Because WSE does not reference WSRF, it must define operations such as destroy, renew and get properties directly.  In particular, WSE treats leasing and renewal (scheduled termination) as inherent to a subscription, while WSE inherits them from WSRF.  The latter approach would allow WSN to leverage any refinements in resource management that WSRF may produce.
Filtering and Topics
WSE uses a simple model of filtering: a subscribe request may contain an arbitrary "filter" element, which could be, but need not be, used to realize the three-level filtering of WSN.  Unlike WSN, WSE does not give topics special status; there is no defined way to query an EventSource for its set of topics, because there is no set of topics per se.  Similarly, WSE does not define GetNextMessage, as this is tied to a topic.
Delivery modes and subscription policy
WSE introduces the notion of a "delivery mode" to cover the various parameters of message delivery, as distinct from the mechanics of establishing a subscription.  While this is currently only defined for the usual callback mechanism, it explicitly allows for pull-based delivery, and presumably for all sorts of other parameters.

It is not immediately clear how this relates to the subscription policy element in a WSN subscribe request.  Syntactically they are very similar, but delivery modes appear broader.  For example, WSE realizes "useNotify" via delivery modes
Subscription End notification
WSE subscriptions MAY include a "party to notify in case of my demise" EPR, which MAY be sent a message if the subscription must be terminated unexpectedly.  WSN does not yet provide such a facility.
Normative Description of SOAP
WSE gives direct normative requirements for SOAP messages.  WSN describes messages in more general WSDL terms, with non-normative SOAP examples.  There are, of course, differences in naming and structure between the two, but these are symptomatic of the more basic differences.

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