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Subject: RE: [wsn] Strawman: "virtual consumers"

Some quick comments/questions:
1. In the brokered Notification 1.3 spec, there are references to a Publisher is this the same concept of the Notification Producer?
Should there be some standardization of terms, Producer is a publisher and visa versa?
2. Should a producer be part of a Topic Space? It seems the only reference to a topic space is the grouping of topics, is there anything associated with a topic space other then a topic tree?
3. Should there be a way to filter specific Message Types of a Topic? What if as a subscriber/consumer I only can handle one of the message types within a topic?
   Maybe this is part of the Topic Expression?
4. Can a pull point defining a specific set of subscriptions? Do they get anything that is sent to them or do they filter and subscribe to specific topics?
5. Would the pull point notification be considered a brokered notification, since the pull point is acting like a broker in some ways?
Sorry if this is rehashing existing questions.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Hull [mailto:dmh@tibco.com]
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 2:43 PM
To: wsn@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsn] Strawman: "virtual consumers"

Attached please find a revision of the current committee draft, as per my action item from the last conference call.  Change tracking is turned on, so it should be easy to see what I've done.  There are two main changes, and a few more following from those (and perhaps a few more such changes that I've missed):
  • I've added this bullet item to the definition of NotificationConsumer in section 2: "A Notification Producer may be a physical web service, capable of receiving messages over a network, or may be a virtual endpoint known only to a given set of NotificationProducers.  For example, the “Pull Points” described in section 5 may be virtual.  In either case, the NotificationProducer will use the NotificationConsumer, together with other information in a subscription request, to effect the desired handling of Notifications, or will fault if this is not possible."
  • I've changed the first sentence of section 5.1.1 (accumulating Notification messages) from "The PullPoint interface supports the NotificationConsumer interface (as defined in section 3)." to "A PullPoint produced by the CreatePullPoint method MAY support the NotificationConsumer interface (as defined in section 3)."  This may or may not imply changes to the WSDL, and we should discuss this.
My natural inclination is to be a bit nervous of introducing  a "physical/virtual" distinction here, but  I believe that such a distinction is already implicit, and introducing it does not require massive changes to either the semantics or the text describing the semantics.  Indeed, one could argue that it simply changes the text to make the implications of the existing semantics more explicit.

In any case, the proposed text is very much open to further discussion, and may well prove not to be the best way forward.

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