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Subject: [wsr] WS-Resource specification


The task force to formalize the WS-Resource definition has completed a draft and posted it to the WSRF site [1]
This reflects the hard work and tough discussions amongst the team, primarily:
Steve Graham, Anish Karmarkar, Jeff Mischkinsky, Ian Robinson, and Igor Sedukhin.
I want to thank this task force for a month or so that was never dull, and very informative.

The document accomplishes the following:
a) defines terms: resource, resource identifier, WS-Resource, WS-Resource Reference
b) defines the concept of a WS-Resource Access Pattern (the new improved name for "implied resource pattern")
c) defines 5 embodiments of WS-Rsource Access Pattern:
1. WS-Addressing using Reference Properties
2. WS-Addressing without Reference Properties
3. WSDL 1.1 Service element
4. WSDL 1.1 Binding element
5. WS-Message Delivery.

Now, the work is not complete.  There are some remaining items that the TF knows needs clarification and there may be other issues that are raised when more eyes and minds are focused on the problem.  Known remaining issues:
a) The definition of a Ws-Resource has some fine tuning needed.  There are comments in section 2.3 regarding this.
b) The second WSDL 1.1 embodiment (section 3.4) is subtle and could use some further clarification, motivation, explanation.


Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture
Member, IBM Academy of Technology
<Soli Deo Gloria/>

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