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Subject: RE: [wsrf] Is WSRF9 the only issue from WS-RF and is there anything else in WSRF that WSDM uses?

Thanks William

Perhaps we can cut and paste the WSDM text below into the WSRF App Note, or atleast reference the sections in MUWS.

Which sections of MUWS for what you write below: MUWS refers to WS-ResourceLifetime for use to manageable the lifetime of relationships. WS-ServiceGroup is listed as one possible way to advertise manageable resources



----- Original Message -----
From: "Vambenepe, William N" <VBP@HP.COM>
To: "Alan Weissberger" ,
Subject: RE: [wsrf] Is WSRF9 the only issue from WS-RF and is there anything else in WSRF that WSDM uses?
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 08:27:16 -0700

There are other issues that came from WSDM. For example issue 1, to clarify which portType a given operation came from (even though WSDM later put in place an alternate mechanism so this isn't really an issue for WSDM anymore).
Here is what MUWS currently says in section 3.1 (this hasn't been updated since MUWS 0.5):

1.1      Use of WS-ResourceFramework

MUWS leverages the Web Services Resources Framework ([WSRF]), in which, the MUWS manageable resources are represented by Web services as “resources”, in the WSRF sense of the term. This implies that references to manageability endpoints in MUWS use the mechanism defined by WSRF, leveraging endpoint references (EPR) as defined by WS-Addressing.

If the manageability endpoint corresponds to a variable number (zero or more) of manageable resources, then the WSRF Implied Resource Pattern MUST be followed. This means that the element(s) listed in the ReferenceProperties of a WS-Resource qualified EPR must be included in the header of messages sent to such manageability endpoints. This specification does not currently define how to obtain the EPR. There may be an out-of-band agreement between provider and consumer on how to obtain EPRs or future versions of this specification would clarify this subject.

In the specific case where a manageability endpoint corresponds to one and only one manageable resource, then either the WSRF Implied Resource Pattern, as above, or the singleton WS-Resource implied pattern MUST be used. If the singleton WS-Resource implied pattern is used, this means that the manageability endpoint does not expect to receive the elements listed in the ReferenceProperties section of WS-Resource qualified EPRs in the message headers to indicate which resource is being managed. A manageability consumer who does not have an EPR for a manageability endpoint MAY try to invoke manageability operations without including reference properties information[WV1] . If such an invocation succeeds, the manageability consumer can infer it is talking about a manageable resource through a manageability provider.

[WV2] [IS3] Further, management properties defined in MUWS are represented as “properties”, in the WSRF sense of the term, using the mechanisms defined in WS-ResourceProperties ([WS-ResourceProperties]). This means that each manageable resource exposes a resource properties document and makes this document available as specified in WS‑ResourceProperties.

Supporting WS-ResourceProperties means that any implementation of an interface that includes properties MUST include access methods to these properties as defined by WS‑ResourceProperties. Specifically, the interface MUST include the GetResourceProperty operation defined by WS-ResourceProperties and MAY include the GetMultipleProperties, SetResourceProperties and QueryResourceProperties operations. If the QueryResourceProperties operation is provided, it SHOULD support the XPath 1.0 query expression dialect, represented by URI http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116.

 [WV1]Clarify that it should still have the other addressing headers (to, action…)

 [WV2]Do we need to update because of the changes to IRP in WSRF?

 [IS3]This may just refer to WS-Resource spec. May be just clarify with a picture here.

In addition, MUWS refers to WS-ResourceLifetime for use to manageable the lifetime of relationships. WS-ServiceGroup is listed as one possible way to advertise manageable resources.

From: Alan Weissberger [mailto:ajwdct@technologist.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 4:50 PM
To: wsrf@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsrf] Is WSRF9 the only issue from WS-RF and is there anything else in WSRF that WSDM uses?


I am a bit confused by today's discussion regarding WSDM use of WSRF specs.  In going over the WSRF Issues list and the email archives, I can only find one issue that WSDM has requested from WSRF (WSRF9 below).  Am I missing something? 

So exactly how does WSDM use WSRF?   Do the WSDM (MUWS and MOWS, others) now use the WSRF specs as they currently exist, e.g. WS Resource Properties and WS Resource Lifetime to model or better describe manageable resources.  WS Base Faults for error reporting?  Any consideration in using WS Service Groups?

For the WSRF App Note, my motivation for including WSDM's use of WSRF was to provide an illustrative example showing the WSDM problem/ issue(s) that was (were) resolved by WSRF specs and how so.  Any insight into why and how WSRF specs were used would be helpful to WS Application developers who were considering use of WSRF to model aspects of their WS application(s) and associated stateful resources.

The issue below is all I could find.  Isn't there anything else?

alan Weissberger

Issue WSRF9: Need an API to list all properties including those allowed in an xsd:any

There is no way for a client to determine the properties that are allowed to be added to a property document if there is an xsd:any in the property document. Worse, there is no way for a client to ask what properties are currently contained in the property document if they are not listed in the property document schema and QueryResourceProperties is not supported.

WSDM would like to be provided a way to retrieve a list of the properties currently available with the WS-Resource (so we know which ones of the optional properties are available and what other properties might be available that do not appear explicitly in the schema of the resource properties document).


WS-ResourceProperties, Version 1.1, March 5, 2004


As a heads up, WSDM might decide to submit a related requirement regarding the ability to retrieve the schema of a "dynamic" property (one that is not explicitly listed in the schema of the resource properties document) but this is still being discussed inside WSDM. (July 14, 2004)

WSDM needs this capability to list all of the ‘present’ or currently instantiated resource properties. We may also need this capability to list all allowable resource properties.

Proposed Recommendations

Add an operation that returns a list of QNames for all of the properties currently contained in the property document.

Another alternative is to add a property that must be provided which will return the list of QNames for the properties currently in the document.

Add operation or property to return schema for the resource property document.

Consider adding an operation to return a list of all QNames that are acceptable in the property document.

Concrete proposal: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00070.html

Another concrete proposal: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00115.html

At the July 2004 face-to-face the proposals were made.

Proposed a) A new resource property – allowedRPQNames, ie those which will not throw ‘unknown resource’ fault.

This properties will return the relevant RP QNames and the schemalocation.

(No objections)

Proposed b) A new resource property – presentRPQNnames, which indicates a property of the relevant name in the instance document.

This property will return the relevant RP QNames and the schemalocation.

(No Objections)

Proposed c) A capability - GetRPDecl (QName) -  to return the current RP document declaration ( minoccurs/maxoccurs/nillable etc) for each QName requested.

(No Objections)

Status: Open since April 28, 2004

Contact: Bryan Murray, Steve Graham, William Vambenepe

Cross Reference:


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Alan Weissberger
2013 Acacia Ct
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3482
1 408 863 6042 voice
1 408 863 6099 fax


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