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Subject: Minutes of the Teleconference call held on 20th February.

The minutes are stored here:
and attached.

(See attached file: WSRF TC [20Feb06] notes[1].htm)

Tim Banks.
Title: WSRF TC notes

Notes from the OASIS WSRF TC
20th February 2006


See: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=7756


Roll Call

The roll call is kept on the TC web site under the meeting record.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=7756


The meeting achieved 35% attendance of voting members and was not quorate. Proceeding as an informational meeting unless/until more people join.


Confirm minute taker

Tim Banks is taking the minutes.

Approve minutes of Teleconference on 6th February

See: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/16558

There were no comments on the minutes. Approval was postponed until next quorate meeting.

Call For AOB



Action Review - chair

(All) Review of the report for submission to OASIS (on changes since 2nd public review) which is posted here: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/16543/wsrf_report_cs-01.htm

(DaveS) I looked during the last call, but more review would be good. Has anyone else reviewed this?


(DaveS) Who can review it?

(TimB) I will.

(DaveS + ???) Review unclean RMD (Everyone else also to review if possible). Carried fwd from 23rd January. Carry Fwd.

(DaveS) This is important and hasn’t had enough attention yet. I am going to review it, but we need someone else to take a look also. Any volunteers?


(DaveS) You’ll have to trust me to get around to a good review.

(Ian & Jem) Review Appnotes. (Everyone else also to review if possible) Carried Forward from 23rd January. Done (per note from Ian)


(BryanM) Re-open issue 119 to review name of MetadataDescriptor element.

(DaveS) Bryan isn’t on the call.

[PS: The latest issues list contains the updates: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/16675/WSRF_IssuesList.doc ]

(BryanM) Close issues 120, 155, 163.Done


(TimB) Raise new issue on RMD. Done

(DaveS) we can pick this up from the email & issues list next time.

Comments on Primer

See mail from Tim: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/email/archives/200602/msg00014.html


DaveS) We could have an informational discussion about this.

(TimB) These comments asked for more detail of message exchanges, rather than selected highlights. The email has responses, but in summary, one way to fix this is to embed hyperlinks from the text to full message examples stored on the web site.

(DaveS) Do we already have the examples?

(TimB) Yes.

(DaveS) Also, if the primer becomes a fully-worked example, people might implement WSRF without looking at the specs.  That could be a problem – we might need an extra level of review if we include the full examples. We should propose a new issue to discuss this.

Action (Bryan) Record a new proposed issue to revise the Primer per the email and consider review needed.

(DaveS) Where are we with the Primer? Is it at draft level?

(TimB) It’s a committee draft – we decided not to go for Public review.

(DaveS) So we could go for another committee draft.




Status check (RMD and AppNotes)

(DaveS) Roger is not on the call.  Where are we with RMD?

(Dan) I proposed a change to Roger based on review of other issues. It was about combining to metadata descriptors into one.

(DaveS) Ok – we can discuss the email about RMD issues.

(TimB) This was about multiple <Property/> elements pointing at the same ResourceProperty. One way this can happen is if portTypes are aggregated.  The RMD spec tries to illustrate portType inheritance with an example, and perhaps it should leave that to AppNotes.


[Mario joins the call, but the meeting is still short of Quorum]


(TimB) It seems as though a bit of clearing up is needed to complete the removal the notion of portType inheritance.

(DaveS) IS this a warning message in the spec, or do we need explicit statements.

(TimB) Yes, we need explicit statements about the uniqueness of the path to a property.

(DaveS) So we could it to the metadata author to follow the rule of uniqueness. Or do we need to be more prescriptive.

(Dan) We could update the schema .

(DaveS) If we try to explain how to do it, we could get into a mire.

(Dan) The rules for combining metadata descriptors can’t be written.

(TimB) Right – because the required semantics can only be defined by the author of service. Mechanically, the schema could flag the duplication, otherwise there could be two metadata descriptors, we couldn’t identify the erroneous file or xml element.  My suggestion is to use xsd:key to make sure the path is unique within a metadatdescriptor, and then have one MDD per portType. Currently we have two mechanisms to specify MDD: portType attribute and ResourceProperty, so we need a precedence rule.

(DaveS) So, we can discuss this under ‘Proposed Issues’ next time, and apologies that we didn’t reach quorum this time.


(DaveS) Any other comments?


(TomR) So the plan was to meet the15th-of-the-month deadline for member submission in February.

(DaveS) Yes

(TomR) So, we’re going for March 15th now?

(TimB) Ian’s note to Mary McRea to resolve the submission issues was there on 15th Feb.

(DaveS) So the vote should be complete by the end of March.

(TomR) Thanks.

(DaveS) We need to do a round up and let people in our companies know and get the votes in.  This could be an action item for the next call. The vote will start on 15th  March having had 30 days to review before that.

Action: (Chairs) Remind people to drum up votes for the specs. The vote will start on the 15th March.


Straggler Roll Call – see Meeting record.


Closed 17:25


Next telecon is 6th March.

Summary of actions

(All including Tim) Review of the report for submission to OASIS (on changes since 2nd public review) which is posted here: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/16543/wsrf_report_cs-01.htm

(DaveS + ???) Review unclean RMD (Everyone else also to review if possible). Carried fwd from 23rd January.

(Bryan) Record a new proposed issue to revise the Primer per the email (20th Feb) and consider the level of review needed.

(Chairs) Need to drum up votes for the specs. The vote will start on the 15th.


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