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Subject: Re: [wsrm] WSDL for WSRM ??

Sunil Kunisetty wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I mentioned that I'm going to look into annotating WSDL with
> RM operations, not MEPs though. If that's what you meant, I haven't
> had a chance to look into that yet. We could work together if
> you are interested too.
> Scott & Venkat also mentioned that they would chime in too.
> -Sunil
>"Mark D. Hansen" wrote:
>>I recall from the face-to-face meeting that a few of the members of this committee were going to work on WSDL for the message exchange patterns being defined.  Has anything happened with that?  I've been working on it a little bit and would be happy to help out as well.
>>Mark Hansen
>>bus: (888) 360-7285
>>fax:  (914) 723-8671
>>email: khookguy@yahoo.com
>>You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/members/leave_workgroup.php
>You may leave a Technical Committee at any time by visiting http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/members/leave_workgroup.php
One approach is to have oneway MEP for each direction of interchange.  
The headers
are defined as parts, and are bound  in the wsdl to the soap header.  
The body is a part which is bound to the soap body in the WSDL.

This is what the BEA spec does for WSDL for Reliable Messaging.

Tom Rutt

Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

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