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Subject: Re: [wsrm] RE: WS-ReliableMessaging Spec Workshop Invitation -- Please Forward as Appropriate


What standards body are you planning to take your revised spec to?  As far as I know, OASIS is the only appropriate standards body for this work.

As I mentioned to you today, not only is the WS-RM TC open, but we ARE NOT about to rubber stamp the spec that was brought in to initiate the TC. 

The WS-RM TC members have spent all our time and efforts on establishing functional requirements.  These will be incorporate into the spec (with additions and deletions), as agreed.  For example, on last week's telecon we got rid of Message ID, as it was considered to be redundant with Group ID/Sequence number as a unique identifier.

At GGF8 in Seattle, I talked to Felipe Cabrera of Microsoft about participating in the WS-RM TC.  He was not very receptive and told me to read your spec, as it was clearly superior.

My opinion is that competing specs are harmful to the industry.  It would be great if the two WS RM'g specs could be consolidated/ merged to incorporate the best features of both.  This could take place in  the WS-RM TC if Microsoft and the other authors decided to participate.

I will attend your workshop on July 15, but will not offer any opinions or suggestions on how Microsoft and other authors should progress the work on Reliable Messaging.. 





Alan Weissberger
Technical Consultant- NEC 
2013 Acacia Ct
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3482
1 408 863 6042 voice
1 408 863 6099 fax




----- Original Message -----
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 10:13:22 +0200
Subject: [wsrm] RE: WS-ReliableMessaging Spec Workshop Invitation -- Please Forward as Appropriate

Hi Colleen,
I'm a bit surprised. And have a question based on the quote from the document you sent:

The authors of the Specification intend to submit a revised version of the Specification to a standards body with a commitment to grant a royalty-free license to their necessary patents.  We need assurance that your feedback and discussions are consistent with that goal.

Why don't they join to the OASIS WS-RM TC to work on ONE WS-Reliability standard instead of going to standardize another one ? The OASIS WS-RM TC is open.
-----Original Message-----
From: ext Colleen Evans [mailto:coevans@microsoft.com]
Sent: July 03,2003 3:46
Subject: WS-ReliableMessaging Spec Workshop Invitation -- Please Forward as Appropriate

The authors of the recently-published WS-ReliableMessaging specification are hosting a 1-day meeting on July 15, 2003, 9am to 5pm, to discuss this specification.  This meeting will be held in Building 21, Columbia conference room on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA.


This is an ad-hoc, open forum for 1) SPECIFICATION AUTHORS to share background information on the design of the specifications and to receive feedback and 2) SOFTWARE VENDORS to discuss their ideas about the practicality of implementing these and related Web Services specifications.


We'd like this to be an open meeting and collect a broad range of ideas. If you are interested in participating in the discussions, please reply to this mail by EOD 11 July 2003.  Feel free to pass this invitation along to other potential participants, either in your company or elsewhere.


Note that in order to attend, the attached legal agreement MUST be signed by each attendee. 


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Colleen Evans

XML Web Services Standards
Microsoft Corporation
303 791-3090 or 425 703-9066
Mobile: 720 480-3919


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