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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Is the f2f meeting for late OCT still on?

Alan Weissberger wrote:

>Please provide atleast the dates, if not the venue.
>While I would like to attend, I may have to go out of the US the last week in October
The f2f meeting in Boston clearly state:

To meet the roadmap schedule there was agreement to have a f2f Meeting 
during the last week of October.


Agreed to dates October 28 39, 30.  In the CA bay area.  Will be hosted 
by France telecom research or sap.


Agreed to Weekly teleconf thru November and December, and first week of 


Take off Dec 23 and 30.
Thus the dates are fixed, and I am still waiting for confimation from 
Pramilla on
the hosting arrangements.

I would be nice to have the arrangements settled by the next teleconf on 

Tom Rutt

>Alan Weissberger
>2013 Acacia Ct
>Santa Clara, CA 95050-3482
>1 408 863 6042 voice
>1 408 863 6099 fax
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Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
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