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Subject: RM capabilities

I'm posting this e-mail on behalf of Jacques
with his request, since he couldn't post it to this
list right now.



As a follow-up on last WSRM meeting (from Jacques who has mail posting
problems on wsrm list right now):
1. RM Capability proposed wording (at the end of section on RM Agreement):
RM Capabilities

The ability of an RMP to support items of the RM Agreement can be
represented by an RM Capability. The RM Capability of an RMP is a subset of
the previous RM Agreement items, with a subset of supported values for each
of them. Example:

        GuaranteedDelivery (enabled, disabled)
        NoDuplicateDelivery (enabled, disabled)
        OrderedDelivery (disabled)
        ReplyPattern ("response", "poll")

The RM Capability above tells that the GuaranteedDelivery  and
NoDuplicateDelivery RM Agreement items are supported (i.e. can be enabled),
but OrderedDelivery is not (disabled only), and all kinds of reply pattern
except "callback" are supported. The RM Capability of a Web service can be
represented in its definition document (WSDL) as described in (...).

2. Panel proposal for Reliabiliaty (please let me know your interest in
participating - jdurand@us.fujitsu.com)

The value and limits of Reliability at Messaging level

Various flavors of reliability have been implemented over time at different
levels of the communication stack, in message-based systems:
from transport protocol levels up to the application level.
Reliable Messaging claims to fill a gap that no other layer can properly
or at least claims that the messaging layer is the right place to implement
The panel will answer the following questions (grouped by theme):

- What reliability features are best implemented at messaging level and why?
What has to be left
to application layer? to network and transport layer? What synergy should be
What is the value to users?

- How much are reliability features affected by networking conditions,
resource availability?
Will the degree of reliability need to be adjusted and how? How does this
affect business users?

- What are the constraints in deploying reliable messaging for Web Services?
How intrusive
is the technology for existing WS stacks? How compatible with security

(NOTE: the last group of questions could be shifted to a panel on "WS-R
implementation", if any)

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