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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Some work left to complete resolution to Rel 22

Tom Rutt wrote:

> From the f2f minutes for the resolution of Rel 22
> "Doug: we only use MUST, MAY, SHOULD, OPTIONAL only to characterise 
> behaviour.
> Ø ACTION: Iwasa will change MAY OPTIONAL for parameters to use 
> cardinality instead, for the entire document.
> "
> The wording "xxx  element MAY be Present in www" or "yyy attribute MAY 
> be present in zzz"  , or "aaa MUST be present in bbb" still occurs 
> throughout section 3.
> To fully reflect the resolution to Rel 22 from the F2F these wordings 
> need to be changed throughout section 3 to behaviour statements for 
> the Sender. 

I just realized, that if the element or attribute is part of an rm-reply 
(ack or fault) then the wording should use "receiver" instead of "sender"

In cases where  a sentence talks about both a reply and request, then 
the term "RMP" could be used in the behaviour statement.

> Eg: change the above three wordings as follows
> "The Sender MAY include xxx element in www", or "The Sender MAY 
> include yyy attribute in zzz" or "The sender MUST include aaa in bbb"
> Tom Rutt

Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

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