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Subject: REL-114:final proposal to add a new attribute
I like to propose an optional attribute by name type to
the Response element.
The possible values are Acknowledgment and Fault
and the default being the
If the value is Fault, then the response element corresponds
to a Fault message.
Corresponding Fault code is sent in the Fault Header for SOAP
1.1 case and
inside the /soap12/Body/Fault/subcode for the SOAP 1.2
If the attribute doesn't exist or has a value of Acknowledgment,
then the Response
Header/element corresponds to an Acknowledgment. Fault Header
if exists is ignored.
Sunil Kunisetty wrote:
I like to suggest that we add an attribute by name messageType to the
response Header element to easily distinguish a RM-Fault message with
an RM-Ack. Message. Currently we need to check for the existence of
the Fault Header (for SOAP 1.1_ to distinguish an Ack. To a Fault.
This is some what tedious and instead having a simple attribute with the type
of the message will make it simpler and less error prone.This attribute can have any one of the following 2 values: Acknowledgment or Fault.
We have 2 ways to go wrt optionality:
1) Make it mandatory and require that every message has the type mentioned.
2) Make it optional and default to Acknowledgment.I prefer Option (2)
Issue Editors,
Could you please add this a new issue?
-SunilPS: This may be a resend as I had problems when sending the previous one.
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