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Subject: Re: [wsrm] message headers for Ack and Fault ??

Tony Graham wrote:

>Sunil Kunisetty <Sunil.Kunisetty@oracle.com> wrote at Thu, 12 Feb 2004 09:45:41 -0800:
>>Tom Rutt wrote:
>>>Sunil Kunisetty wrote:
>>>>Tom Rutt wrote:
>>>>>Tom Rutt wrote:
>>>>>>Tom Rutt wrote:
>>>>>>>Jacques Durand wrote:
>>>>There are some use cases that require to know the reply pattern used in
>>>>the response (Ack/Fault).
>>>>For example, Sender sends a reliable message with callback pattern.
>>>>Assume he didn't receive the ack. or fault for a while. Sender 'polls'
>>>>the Receiver for that message. Finally he gets the ack. He may not
>>>>know whether he received the ack. because of Poll or Callback, as the
>>>>response will be the same. Ofcourse, one may say why does he need
>>>>to know that as long as he receives it. But it would be useful to know
>>>>so that he can do the cleanup (say to stop the callback listener etc.)
>>>The callback response comes on an http request.
>>>The poll response comes on an http response.
>> Not necessarily. What is important is that the poll request is sent
>> from the original sender itself in a different
>> transaction/connection. Ack may be sent as a (http) request if the
>> Sender uses robust in-out pattern (robust in-out pattern is the
>> same as the in-out except that out is sent to node/listener other
>> than the sender node/listener).
>> Again it may not be possible in all cases for the Sender to receive
>> the request if it is inside the firewall, however, in the above use
>> case I mentioned, the Sender is doing the poll as a follow-up for
>> the Callback. So we have an implicit assumption that the Sender can
>> receive a Http request.
>The minutes from the January F2F [1] contain this section:
> ] 4.20 Rel 94
> ] 
> ] Tom: does it clearly state that the poll can only be done for messages
> ] which were originally send with this pattern set.
> ] 
> ] Sunil: it does state this.
> ] 
> ] Need to add a section about polling in section 2, with the model.
> ] 
> ] Sunil: there is no general section on the model for polling.
> ] 
> ] The header elements are properly defined in sections 3.3 and 3.4.
> ] 
> ]  ACTION: Sunil took action to come up with additions to the model text
> ]  for section 2.1 by Friday.
> ] 
> ] Left open until modeling text is complete.
>Which is true? Is it true that poll can only be done for messages that
>were originally sent with this pattern, or is it true that the Sender
>can send a poll for a message that was specified to use the callback
Rel 76 was resolved to state the poll request can be used as a general 
purpose status query. 

This happende at the Jan f2f, later in the minutes than what you quoted.

>And where is this stated?
>Tony Graham
>Web Products, Technologies and Standards           Phone: +353 1 8199708
>Sun Microsystems                                              x(70)19708
>East Point Business Park, Dublin 3, Ireland
>[1] http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/download.php/5089/Minutes-Jan04f2f.htm#_Toc62277593
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Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

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