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Subject: Re: [wsrm] message headers for Ack and Fault ??


<JD> I understand that this messageHeader serves a purpose in Responses,
but still that seems quite contrived: we apparently use it only for matching
the ReplyPattern elements between req and resp.
I believe our design would be tighter if we added the returned ReplyPattern
to the RM:Response element, as Sunil hints at as a possible alternative.

 +1 ;-)
Further, I believe the ReplyPattern element in a request, would be more at its
place in the RM:Request element, as it should be associated with the element
that has "request semantics".
Doing so, the MessageHeader element would only contain ID and general message info,
and would only need be included in "reliable messages", as
the second sentence in 3.1. clearly suggests already (at odds with current usage).
Later on when we have RM:Response piggybacking on business messages, the info in
messageHeader would be totally orthogonal to the info in RM:Response.


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