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Subject: Re: [wsrm] [Section 2.4] Do faults do anything at all?

Tom Rutt <tom@coastin.com> wrote at Mon, 16 Feb 2004 11:21:07 -0500:
> Tony Graham wrote:
> >A literal reading of this section would indicate that receiving a
> >Fault message would have no effect on the Guaranteed Delivery
> >processing since the only things that count are receiving an
> >Acknowledgment message, the number of retries, and the message expiry
> >time.
> >
> It seems that there is an implicit assumption in the current text that 
> faults are transient in nature, and a resend

Or an assumption that fault handling is defined elsewhere and this
section is really only concerned with failures from lost messages.

Section 2.7, Message Persistance, similarly glosses over handling
faulty messages.

> could fix them.  We need to clarify what faulted messages should or 
> should not be resent.

Section 2.4 (and Section 2.7) should say something about fault
handling, even if it is just a reference to Section 4.

> If there is a fault indicated a bad header, and the header is fixed for 
> a resend, can that resend resuse the messageID from the
> faulted message? 

For what faults can a sending RMP actually fix a header?

Section 2.4 states, starting on line 527:

   it MUST resend the same message with same Message Identifier to the
   receiver RMP

When is the same not the same?

> Is there ever a case where resending a message which faulted will result 
> in it being delivered the second time?

MessageProcessingFailure faults, which are more faults with the
receiving RMP than faults with the sent message and are defined as
representing transient failures.


Tony Graham
Web Products, Technologies and Standards           Phone: +353 1 8199708
Sun Microsystems                                              x(70)19708
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3, Ireland

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