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Subject: [Fwd: [chairs] TC Meetings in New Orleans]

we are meeting all day wed and Thursday morning.

Tom Rutt

Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

--- Begin Message ---
Hello Chairs,

This is the last message I will send to the general chairs list, as some of
you have expressed an interest in seeing all the TCs that are committed to
meeting in New Orleans at the TAB Symposium,

Please review this list and confirm that your TC members have booked their
rooms and please confirm the meeting times for your TC. As you can imagine,
we need to guarantee a quantity of sleeping rooms in order to get the
meeting room space at no charge. Also, we have a number of TCs on the
waiting list and we would like to accommodate everyone. Please look at your
time allocation, unless specified otherwise, your TC has the use of the room
for the entire day--if you only need 1/2 day please let me know ASAP.

Small Room 1--Audubon (holds 18)

Wednesday -	 OASIS XACML TC (10 participants)
Thursday -	 OASIS XACML TC (10 participants)

Large Room 2--Balcony I (holds 30)

Wednesday -	 OASIS WSRM TC (10 participants)
Thursday -	 OASIS WSRM TC 8:00AM-12:00PM
		 OASIS ebXML IIC TC 1:00PM-5:00PM

Large Room 3--Balcony L (holds 30)

Wednesday -	 OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC (13 participants)
		 OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC--Evening reception
Thursday -	 OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC and OASIS LegalXML
Integrated Justice TC (30 participants)

Large Room 4--Balcony M (holds 30)

Wednesday -	OASIS Emergency Mgmt TC (15 participants) 8:00AM-12:00PM
		OASIS ebXML Registry TC  (6 participants) 1:00PM-5:00PM
Thursday -	OASIS ebXML Registry TC  (6 participants)

Small Room 5--Beauregard (holds 18)

Wednesday -	OASIS Li-XML TC (5 participants) 8:00AM-12:00PM
		OASIS ebXML CPPA (? participants) 1:00PM-5:00PM
Thursday -	OASIS CAM TC (? participants)

Large Room 6--Balcony N (holds 30)

Wednesday -	OASIS WS-CAF TC (15-20 participants)
Thursday -	OASIS WS-CAF TC (15-20 participants)

Small Room 7--Jackson (holds 18)

Wednesday - OASIS ebXML Messaging TC (10-12 participants)
Thursday -  OASIS ebXML Messaging TC (10-12 participants)

Suite ONE

Wednesday - OASIS Board (12 participants)
Thursday -	OASIS Board (12 participants) 8:00AM-12:00PM

Suite TWO

Wednesday - OASIS XDI TC (12 participants)
Thursday -	OASIS WSDM TC (? participants)

***Wait List; OASIS XDI TC (needs another day), OASIS ebXML BP TC ((?
participants), OASIS Legislative TC (10-12 participants), FWSI (10-12
participants) need phone***

--- End Message ---

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