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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Question on wsdl operation support
Tom Rutt wrote:
the current spec states the following: in lines 751 thru 757:A WSDL 1.1 R-R operation can still use any of the 3 patterns it's just that
2.9 WSDL Operation Type
This specification supports Reliable Messaging capabilities for WSDL 1.1
[WSDL 1.1] One-way
and Request-response operation types only. While a Request-reponse
operation can use any of
the three RM-Reply patterns to receive acknowledgments or faults, an
One-way operation can
only use either Callback or Poll RM-Reply pattern. See the table below
for a complete support
"This, and the table, are not correct.
If the user selects a Poll pattern with R-R, the response to the actual operationA wsdl RequestResponse operation could have a payload in the response.
If there is a payload, the poll response has no way to return a batch
of payloads.
Batching doesn't make sense for Response pattern case as the definition says
Also, if we want to batch acks , then we have the same problem, in that
we cannot return batched response payload from the wsdl
requeste response.
Batching for Callback pattern is based on the replyTo endpoint.
Batching for Poll is based on the request (i.e. if the poll request
itself has
a SequenceNumberRange).
Change is not necessary as explained above.
Thus I thinke we have to change the table to have callback and polling
not supported for Request/response wsdl operations.
Tom Rutt--
Tom Rutt email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
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