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Subject: Re: [wsrm] [editorial] change of element names

Jacques Durand <JDurand@us.fujitsu.com> wrote at Wed, 25 Feb 2004 12:25:20 -0800:
> I think Sunil has a point: the qualifier name (prefix "alias") is
> not normative, only the namespace is. E.g. not only we can't prevent
> some other SOAP headers to be called "Request", but we can't prevent
> someone from using the "wsrm" prefix to resolve to another
> namespace. That would be quite confusing to readers (if not to
> processors). I am in favor of this renaming.

I suggest that adding more to the WS-Reliability element names is
unnecessary, for the following reasons:

1. If users have to read even a fraction of one percent of Reliable
   messages, then there's something wrong somewhere.

2. If a user who doesn't understand how to read namespaced XML reads a
   raw SOAP message, there'll be more that the user doesn't understand
   than just the WS-Reliability headers.

3. The choice of prefix is not going to confuse the processors
   (although broken processors will increase the incidence of users
   reading messages, I admit).

4. With SOAP 1.2, at least, if your RMP puts a "wsrm" prefix on the
   WS-Reliability elements, then the prefix will remain the same even
   through forwarding intermediaries.


   22. All namespace information items in the [in-scope namespaces] of
       element information items MUST be preserved. Additional
       namespace information items MAY be added.

   and http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-infoset-20011024/#infoitem.namespace
   says a namespace information item has a prefix property.

   (SOAP 1.1 doesn't seem to say anything on the subject.)

5. There's nothing stopping anyone from defining a different SOAP
   Header with a local name of "RMRequest".


Tony Graham
Web Products, Technologies and Standards           Phone: +353 1 8199708
Sun Microsystems                                              x(70)19708
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3, Ireland

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