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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Candidate Frequently Asked Questions for the OASIS website

1.  We did get a question at the Dec 03 XML COnference on relationship of WS Reliability to ebXML.  I do not think they are related or that our spec will work in an ebXML environment. 

2.  I am not familiar with ebMS 2.0 and have never heard anyone ask about it

3.  It would be a very bad idea to include a comparison of our spec to WSRM spec.  That would open a can of worms and a lot of rock throwing.  This is something that the industry/ market will have to decide on its own.  Obviously all the vendors in a given camp will be biased in favor of their spec.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Chiusano Joseph"
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 09:02:35 -0500
To: Anish Karmarkar
Subject: Re: [wsrm] Candidate Frequently Asked Questions for the OASIS website

> Perhaps ebMS 2.0 as well...
> Joe
> Anish Karmarkar wrote:
> >
> > The first question that is asked by people looking at ws-reliability is --
> > what is the difference between this spec and ws-reliablemessaging?
> >
> > Are we going to put that in the FAQ?
> >
> > -Anish
> > --
> >
> > Tom Rutt wrote:
> > > The following FAQ's were provided by Alan Weissberger in his White paper.
> > >
> > > We should discuss these on email and on the call. OASIS Staff want us to
> > > give them
> > > a set of FAQs t o put on the web site.
> > >
> > > --------------------
> > > . Frequently Asked Questions
> > >
> > > 1. Who is participating in the OASIS WSRM TC and how often do they meet?
> > > A variety of companies are active in the WSRM TC. The members include:
> > > Booz Allen Hamilton, BT, Cyclone Commerce, Fujitsu (3), Hewlett-Packard,
> > > Hitachi(3), NEC Corporation(2), Novell, Oracle (3), SAP, See Beyond, SUN
> > > Micro (2), University of Hong Kong. There are also many observers.
> > > Membership in OASIS is required to participate in the WSRM TC. Telecon
> > > meetings are held weekly and face-to-face meetings are held about every
> > > two or three months.
> > >
> > > 2. When will the WS Reliability spec be completed and what is it based on?
> > > Agreement was reached in Nov 2003 o n a committee draft spec (v0.52),
> > > which was implemented in a demo at the Philadelphia XML Conference, in
> > > February 2004. The TC has recently voted on a committee draft spec
> > > (v.0.992) which is out for public review, to complete on April 19, 2004.
> > > Note that the spec is based on Requirements issues that have been
> > > compiled for the committee’s internal use (over 100 requirements have
> > > been identified).
> > >
> > > - An OASIS standard could be approved in the 2nd Quarter of 2004, after
> > > the public review.
> > >
> > > 3. Who participated in the demo of WS Reliability?
> > > Fujitsu, Hitachi, NEC, Oracle, and SUN Micro. The demo was based on
> > > v0.52 of the spec.
> > >
> > > 4. Who will benefit from the completed WS Reliability spec?
> > &g t;
> > > • WS middleware companies that implement the spec will benefit because
> > > it will be universally interoperable. Initial testing can be done with
> > > any company that implements it. The license to implement the spec is
> > > royalty free.
> > >
> > > • Application program developers will also benefit, as their web based
> > > applications will be reliable and robust, operating over WS Reliability
> > > middleware. Using the implemented middleware will also be royalty free.
> > >
> > > • WS End users will benefit in accordance with their application
> > > requirements. For example, “at most once delivery” implies duplicate
> > > elimination. This is important for placing orders, banking transactions,
> > > and insurance claims processing. If an end user is sending a Purchase
> > > Ord er, for example, he wants to know it actually arrived at the
> > > destination and it arrived exactly once (not multiple times). This is
> > > particularly vital for financial applications.
> > >
> > > 5. Who will generate application specific profiles for the WS
> > > Reliability spec?
> > >
> > > WS-I will most likely develop such profiles. The WS-I Requirements
> > > Working Group has already discussed doing this upon completion of the spec.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/members/leave_workgroup.php.
> To unsubscribe from this ma iling list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/members/leave_workgroup.php.

Alan Weissberger

2013 Acacia Ct
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3482
1 408 863 6042 voice
1 408 863 6099 fax

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